Cheek - Jungkook

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Jungkook - 20

You - 16

You woke up Jungkook at 4am and told him he would be late for work, even though it started at 9am. You crept in his room and shouted,
"JUNGKOOK IT'S 7:30 AM! !!!!!!!!!!"

Ofcourse he got up, brushed his teeth and got ready and went down to eat breakfast. The clock was opposite him so you quickly got in front of him and quickly pulled him.

"Why are you up any way?"
He asked while stuffing his face with cereal.

"Oh just to help my brother. Who knows where you would've been."
You smiled while resting your chin in your hands.

He ate as fast as he could.

As soon as he opened the door, he looked on his watch to check if he could go for a quick pee, but instead he shouted your name so loud it almost woke the others.

As soon as he opened the door, he looked on his watch to check if he could go for a quick pee, but instead he shouted your name so loud it almost woke the others

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"I see what your going at."
Jungkook walked towards the kitchen, but you didn't even realise that he shouted your name. You were too busy eating. He crept behind you and picked you upside down.
"Gotcha pabo!"
He laughed.
He took you in the garden and plopped you in the FREEZING COLD POOL.

You shivered.
"IT'S COLD!!!"

"That's what you get retard."
Jungkook said and laughed at you.

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