Perverted Memories - All

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Jin - 25

Namjoon and Yoongi - 23

Hoseok - 22

Jimin and Taehyung - 21

Jungkook - 19

You - 16

All the siblings were in one room talking about their memories.

"Jimin hyung tell them about the time where me and you were in the park!"
Jungkook said.

"Oh yeh!"
Jimin cleared his throat.
"Everyone, listen carefully."
All of the siblings made sure their ears were clean and they breathed quietly.
"Me and Jungkook were walking together back from school and we went to the park to hangout. We were on the merry go round and then this little boy wanted to go on. We both got of and there was this girl around Jungkook's age who walked up. She asked me if I could push him and I asked her why. She said her arm was hurting. Apparently she was the older sister. Jungkook went and pushed the kid instead cause he didn't want to be with the girl so she started staring at me. I asked what's up and she said I was handsome. I thanked her but she kept going on. Apparently I was sexy and then she asked where I lived. I asked her why and she said 'I wanna lose something tonight.' "
Everyone made a big massive OHHHHHHH noise, except for you.
"Then I grabbed Jungkook and ran off."
Everyone kept quiet until you bursted out in laughter.

You calmed down and everyone looked at you.
"I'm suprised you never kicked her crotch so she could start her periods cause I would've."
You said while smirking.

Jin shouted.

"Whaat? That's just the beginning. After that I would've took her to the butchers and skinned her alive and then -"
Namjoon covered your mouth.

"Ok kido we get it. We'll call when we get hit on."
Namjoon assured.

"You guys better or you'll find me already in prison."
You smiled.

"But to be honest she was sexy."
Jimin said.
You lost it and held his cheeks with both your hands.

YOU screamed while all the brothers laughed.
That's just when Taehyung noticed.

"Hey y/n?"
Everyone looked at him.
"You haven't even started blooming and your 16."
All the brothers eyes were on you and you jumped back and covered your chest.

"You perverts!!! Plus I don't like big boobs!!"
You said while making a vomiting noise.

"Well we've got a strange sister."
Jungkook got up and patted your head.
"You need to start working out then."
He picked you upside down and got into the car with the other brothers.

"We'll go to the gym."
Jin said.
You sat in the boot shouting the whole time.

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