Sassy 7 part 4 - All

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You walked into the living room where your brothers were and stood in front of them all.

"Welcome back y/n."
Jungkook said.

"Why did you run awa-"

You shut everyone.
"Stop being a bunch of assholes and be actual men. You all were scared of telling me that you had girlfriends so you decided to make it obvious and treat your only sister horribly? What total jerks."
You shamed them.
"Now all you seven go and think about what you've done and don't talk to me until tomorrow. Go hang out with your bitches and leave with my hoes. I don't need anything from you all. I've had enough. I'm going to stay in my room all day, I'm not hungry and DON'T talk to me. No loud noises either or stupidity. Oh and I'll tell Jasmine and Kate and the rest of the bitches that you won't be going out with them today."
You walked out leaving all your brothers gob smacked.

"Did she actually shut us?"
Yoongi asked.

"Looks like it. We raised such a strong kid."
Namjoon said while smirking.

You on the other hand went out to see seven girls.
"Sorry but my brothers won't be going out with you today."

They all shouted.

"Because I said. Now go away bitches."
You say while shutting the door on their face.

You ran upstairs into your room and got changed into your new pajamas. You couldn't wait to sleep when though it was 10am. You fell on your bed and covered yourself with a load of soft blankets. You relaxed at the silence and fell straight into slumber.

"Well what do we do now?"
Taehyung asked.

"Let's go to her room and suprise her when she wakes up."
Hoseok said.

"How do you know if she's asleep?"
Jimin asked tilting his head.

"Best brother senses."
He wriggled his eye brows.

All seven tiptoed up into your room suprised seeing you actually asleep. Namjoon pulled 4 mattresses from the other room. Jimin quietly crept in your bed and slept next to you while Taehyung and Jungkook slept on the other side of your bed. You were quite small as you inherited your height from Jimin and Yoongi so all the maknaes could fit into 1 bed. The hyungs slept on the mattresses soundly adoring your face. They all felt sad for being mean.



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