Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Gaara and I sat in his bedroom, doing more of his Kage work. The silence between us was comfortable, the only thing that could be heard was his writing and the wind outside. It was peaceful. I looked back at the bed and sighed, "Where am I sleeping tonight if you're here?"

"My room. I rarely sleep, I grew up almost never sleeping so I don't actually fall asleep." Gaara looked at me. "I don't mind you using my bed tonight, although I will apologise for any remarks my stupid brother makes."

I chuckled and shook my head, "He's actually been keeping to himself. Temari-San told me he was perverted, but he hasn't done a thing to suggest that." I went onto another sheet of paper, writing down stuff for him. "By the way, we are going to spar, right? I want to test out the fan."

Gaara nodded, "After we finish this pile. Thank you for your help."

"Anytime, Gaara." His cheeks had the faintest blush at me saying his name. "Naruto-Kun talked a lot about you after the whole Orochimaru thing. He's made so many people have a change of heart, quite amazing, isn't he? He's a whole lot like It-" I stopped speaking, knowing if I said his name, it would raise questions, "Someone." He gave me a curious look but nodded again.

We finished the last few papers and got up. I stretched slightly as I grabbed my fan and followed Gaara to his training building. My mouth gaped in awe. It wasn't run-down like the one in the Leaf. I looked at Gaara and took my spot, starting to infuse chakra into the fan.


It was dark out by the time we finished, both of us drenched in sweat and lacking a bit of chakra. "You're already adept to using a fan...impressive."

"Ha...ha..." I panted and looked up at him while using the fan as support, "What can I say, I'm a fast learner."

"No kidding..." Gaara wiped sweat from his face. "There's an onsen nearby, if you want to wash off and relax. Or you can use my bathroom since it's big."

I chuckled, "Bathroom please. I'm probably going to pass out after bathing." He helped me walk back to the house, which was luckily close. When we walked in Temari and Kankuro both smirked.

"Did you two have fun~?" Kankuro teased, seeing us panting and sweaty.

Temari hit him on the back of the head, "They were training you idiot. It wasn't that." I turned a deep red once I realised what she meant. Her face softened, "It wasn't, right?"

"I don't know what you mean by 'that', but all we did was practice with the fan." Gaara kept helping me to get to his bath. "I'll grab some clothes for you from Temari. But what did she mean when she said 'that'."

I shook my head, happy he was still so innocent when it came to that stuff. "Nothing, you don't need to worry about it. Thank you for your hospitality, and for getting me clothes." I quickly walked into the changing area of the bathroom, stripping down and going to the hot bath. My eyes shimmered at the space. "Being Kazekage has its perks, hm?" I dipped into the water and sighed. The water relaxed my muscles and allowed me to just sit there for a moment, nothing on my mind.

I was in peace until a voice spoke through the door, "What bra size are you? Temari isn't exactly the smallest or largest."

My face turned red. "Just check the bra in my clothes...I'm not gonna say it."

Shuffling could be heard and so could a small whisper. "B/S." He walked back towards the door. "Hers should work. I grabbed some underwear and a pair of pajamas for you." Now I was beet red and sinking into the water. He knew what I was going to be wearing and what I had been wearing. It wasn't like I was wearing anything revealing, but the fact that he touched them made me embarrassed. "Are you okay? I can't hear anything."

I shot up, "I'm fine. Thanks Gaara." The footsteps left the room and I slowly got out to clean myself, including my hair. "At least he didn't walk in here..." I mumbled and grabbed my towel after finishing. I put on the clothes he got me and opened the door to his room shyly, quietly walking in and sitting on his bed. As I began to brush my hair out I saw him grab a towel and some clothes.

"I'll be back, if you fall asleep that's fine." He walked into the bathroom.

My body collapsed backwards, I was now laying on the bed. "He really is innocent..." I looked at the pajamas and sighed. I normally didn't sleep with a bra on, but I didn't want to be bra-less in front of someone I had just met two days ago, nonetheless the Kazekage. After debating for a few minutes, I slipped the bra off and hid it under the bed before getting into the covers and laying down. Just moments after that, Gaara came out with sweatpants and no shirt. My face turned red as I saw his torso. Nice olive-peach skin, quite the set of abs, but what got me the most was the slightest amount off hair peeking up from his sweats. I hastily turned around and closed my eyes, taking deep breaths to calm down.

"You keep staring at me. First my hair, then my eyes, and now my body." He said that way too nonchalantly.

"Haha...well you never really see a boy with beautiful red hair and enchanting turquoise eyes." I blushed and kept my eyes closed.

"You could have said you didn't want a bra if you didn't want one. You're bad at hiding things under beds. A strap was poking out." He didn't look back at me, he just worked with a monotone voice.

I quickly looked and groaned, "Dammit." I grabbed it and set it on the small nightstand next to the bed, "I want one for when I wake up, they are just uncomfortable to sleep in. You try having a piece of clothing put pressure on your body all day."

Gaara looked at me. "That's a really bad analogy. Women aren't the only ones who experience clothing putting pressure on them, but I will admit women are the only ones who have it happen all day."

"Oh god. Can we stop talking about this?" I had my face buried in the pillow, my whole body was probably red in embarrassment.

"I don't understand why you are so embarrassed."

I peeked an eye out and looked at him, "Because it's personal stuff...and not really a conversation you'd have with someone you just met." Gaara shrugged and went back to working as I hid again. "Way too fucking innocent..." I whispered to myself and slowly fell asleep.

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