Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

For the rest of the night, Gaara and I hung out and talked about our jutsus. It was interesting to learn about his father's unique Kekkei Genkai and how Gaara controlled sand because he had Shukaku in him. He was still able to control it even though he wasn't a Jinchuuriki, which I truly found amazing. Everything about him was starting to captivate me, I was falling in love with the highest ranked ninja in a village that was days away from my own.

"Yeah, my Ice Style isn't the best since I grew up in the Leaf. It wasn't the hottest or coldest, plus when we went on missions it wasn't like all I used was my Ice Style. Haku was a much better user." I sighed as we drank sake.

Gaara chuckled, "So you have more than Ice Style?"

"Well I can summon two dogs and tend to use Water Style more than Wind, but I also like using my Earth Style." I smiled at him and yawned.

"We share two chakra natures."

I looked at him and moved closer to him, putting my face near his, "We might share more than that. Gaara, let's stop drinking before we get shit-faced. I don't want to share something with you, then not remember it."

"Share what?"

"O-Our um...our um..." I played with my fingers.

"Oooh, lil' bro is getting some. She wants to give you her first time~!" Kankuro snickered as he came in.

Both of us moved away from each other with red faces. "Th-That's not-"

"True? Oh, it looked like it from outside." Temari walked over to us and whispered into my ear, "Be gentle with him, I told the Hokage you'd be staying longer than a week. So if you decide to have sex with him, you have time to recover. It kinda hurts for a few days."

"You're not a virgin?!" I stared at her with wide eyes. "Who did you fuck?!"

"Ah well, he's from your village..." Temari scratched the back of her neck. I raised my eyebrow to push her more. "Shikamaru."

"SHIKA-NII?!" I got up. "His father was my Sensei."

Temari looked away shyly and Gaara spoke up, "So that's why you always ask to go to the Leaf when I have something to deliver."

"Y-You'll understand once you've had sex, okay?" She went to her room and locked the door.

I watched her and glanced at Gaara, biting my lip. Kankuro smirked and left, locking himself in his room as well. " you...?"

"I like you a lot." He kissed me deeply and laid me back on the couch.

I gasped and wrapped my arms around his neck, opening my mouth for him to invade it. Our tongues danced together and I put my hands in his hair. Doing something like this with the Kage of another village made my heart race in excitement. I slowly wrapped my legs around him and pulled his body closer to mine. I was sure I didn't want to go all the way that night, but I wanted to at least feel him against me. Every part of me was on fire. As our bodies connected more, I let out a soft moan. I could feel it. I could feel his dick rubbing against me. My eyes widened as I gasped, "Gaara!"

He stopped, "Sorry."

"It's okay, just...don't go too far. I'm not ready." I smiled softly and kissed him again. He continued to rub himself against me, making me moan more. "Ah! J-Just how big are you?"

"I don't know. Never knew people measured their penises." He looked down slightly, pulling back and unzipping his pants. 

My eyes widened and I looked away. "You're checking now?!"

"You asked, I suppose I should check." He didn't pull it out yet, but I quickly shook my head. "You don't want to know?"

"It's not that, Gaara. I just..." I got up. "I'm going to go take a bath." I'm way too aroused to do this... He looked a bit hurt when I said that. "You didn't do anything wrong. I do like you Gaara, more than anyone else. I guess you could say...I love you, I'm just a little..."

"Horny?" He looked at me with his beautiful eyes, making me blush and nod. "You're going to masturbate, aren't you?" I nodded again. "Have fun, I'll be in the bedroom doing the same."

"Why don't you...join me in the bath?" I shyly looked at him.

"That's okay?" I nodded as a response to him. "Okay."

We both went to his bathroom, I was more shy about stripping down than he was. I guess he still didn't understand what some emotions were. I slowly got naked and turned around to see him watching me. My hands instinctively covered my body out of embarrassment, my eyes wanted to drift down but I forced them not to. He was incredibly toned. I had seen his torso before, but not to the extent that I could see him clearly. He took my hands and held them, moving them away from my body to stare at it. I knew he had never seen a naked woman in real life, which made it all the more embarrassing for me. Every part of me was visible to him, even the fact that I didn't shave there. His calloused hand gently caressed my hip, making me shiver.

"G-Gaara..." I whispered and started to pull back, walking to the bath and getting in, completely embarrassed.

"Did I do something wrong?" He slid into the water next to me.

I shook my head, "I'm just embarrassed. You're the first one to see me naked. Well, other than my female friends in the Leaf."

"Is there something major about seeing someone naked?"

I sighed, "You're still that innocent...Gaara, it's only something you do if you truly love someone, that or you're amazing friends at an onsen. It starts with seeing your loved one naked, and then it spirals to sex, and I've told you I'm not ready for that just yet."

"Love? You love me?" He tilted his head.

"Yes, goddammit, I do. It's only been a few days but Gaara, I feel something I've never felt before. You understand some of the pain I've been through and're a Jinchuuriki, you know how hard it is to control a large mass of chakra. I look forward to the day I can remove my seal, but I'm scared it'll be too much for me."

"I'm not anymore. I kind of miss Shukaku."

"Well, you have bed company now." I kissed him gently, putting my hand on his leg to keep me balanced. I was able to balance for a few seconds before falling over, my bottom half exposed to the air now. I shivered and got back up. "C-Cold..."

"Yours looks different than ones in magazines."

I turned red and looked at him, "Pardon?"

"Your vagina..." He mumbled and looked down, trying to see through the water.

"Well first, I go natural. Second, I haven't had surgery to make it 'perfect', so that's a difference." I crossed my arms.

"But it is perfect if it's you." My mouth gaped, since when was he like this?

I kissed him again. "Thank you, that's something I do like to hear." We stayed together in the bath for a while, holding each other and talking. Every time he touched me I blushed and shivered. He would pull back instinctively, but I'd pull him back. I didn't mind anything as long as it was him.

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