Chapter 5

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(Reapers POV)

A couple of weeks pass geno is actually pretty nice well i mean everyone's nice but i dont know how to put it

I stopped writing staring at the blank page of this journal that came with the pack with only a few words on it I sigh and close the book hiding it underneath my pillow this is dumb.. Im so bored i tap at my mask thinking about taking it off but.. What if i dont look normal? what if i dont even have  a face? the thought of that scares me a bit i dont know why though. It may seem stupid but ive had this mask for my whole life im just barley getting used to other peoples faces.

Geno walked in With a smile "Whats up?" I looked up "the roof?" he giggled and my soul jumped "No silly how are you?" "oh im good i guess you?" he shrugged sitting next to me on my bed "Could be better." i tilted my head "Just the usual busy stuff." i nodded fiddling with a loose string on the fabric tugging at it pretending to be interested in the conversation. "So what was your life like?" he asked I looked up "Well i had a room mate" i shrugged he waited for me to go on "My parents vanished so i grew up living with my friends parents and Uhh theirs not really much to say" i trailed off "Im sorry about your parents that must have sucked" i shrugged "Well what was your life like?" he thought for a moment "Well I was born and raised hear so i cant really understand what its like to live in the void and My parents died out on a mission when i was 15 and yeah just like you not really much to say" he chuckled nervously, a awkward silence fell between us that seems to be happening alot lately "Do you wanna go for a walk?"geno asked i nodded standing up my bones cracking in the process.

The afternoon sun felt really nice it was alot different out hear then it was back home... wait should i even call it home? is this my home? I looked at the ground seeing a small squirrel run across the path climbing up a tree We stopped to watch it climb higher and climbed till it was no longer seen. I looked at Geno he smiled I felt my cheeks go hot from underneath the mask I must be blushing.

"Wanna do something fun?" he asked Out of the blue "fun?" geno just rolled his eyes "Come on." he grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him looking at trees muttering no no no over again at each tree "Is this fun?" He looked at me "Not yet but it will be fun" i nodded still not sure what hes doing Then he stopped at a large tree the branches stretched out every which way and Climbed so high i thought it would reach the clouds "Come on" Geno said Reaching for a branch Was realized he was to short he huffed annoyed "want me to boast you up?" i asked he blushed out of emberesment Tapped his foot debating weather or not to give up his pride and except the help then he let out a long breath "Fine" I nodded lifting him up so He could grab the branch He was surprisingly light, Not saying i didnt think he was extremely heavy I just oh what ever.

I pulled my self up to I looked up from where i sat and saw geno was clibing higher I sighed following after him "is this fun?" i said repeating my question from earlier "yeah!" he called down from above 'dosnt seem like it" he looked down at me unamused "Reaper let loose seriously just relax and enjoy this" he then continued climbing up the tree I shook my head and continued to climb eventually I climbed up to where geno now sat his legs swinging back and forth I carefully sat next to him Fearful that the branch might break with both of us on it.

(genos POV)

We chatted for a while Geting to know each other he seemed to relax more and was now laughing and he did comment he was having fun "So your telling me That you got stuck waist deep in the snow once?" reaper asked I nodded "yep and the younger ones basically turned me in to a snow man" he laughed and I blushed I dont think i ever got along this well with a person before i mean yeah Dust and ink are okay but i mean We never talk or laugh this much. I smiled "Reaper?" "yeah?" he asked turning back to me I hate that mask so much I thought bitterly "Do you-" before i could finish The branch made a crack sound and before I could move we both fell from the branch as it gave way I felt branches hit me as i fell down but they where stopping me falling so fast then I landed with a off but it wasnt the fall i was expecting.

I open my eyes Only to realize i fell on poor Reaper who was groaning in pain "OW" he snapped but then laughed afterwards "Im so sorry" i said "Did i hurt you?" he shook his head "no im fine just a little sore" i nodded I realized i was still On top of him but then a thought came over my mind and I blindly acted on it.

(Reapers POV)

My back hurt like hell But geno was staring at me intensely "are you okay?" i asked but then moved his hand to the masks clip and before I could stop him he un-clipped it and quickly pulled it up My eye sockets widen, because one second he was just pulling my mask off but now well now He was kissing me.

When he pulled away he was blushing Covering his face 'S-s-sorry I-i Dont know w-why I-i did t-that" he said getting off me and trying to hide from the world in his scarf "Im really sorry" he whispered but it came out muffled I saw he was clutching my mask to his chest But i was in shock I-i dont know what to say. "please say something I hate the silence" whimpered geno then i snapped back in to reality "Placing a hand on his knees "dont be sorry" i whispered  I felt really exposed with out the mask Right now but i was trying to ignore that He then looked up slowly and blushed more 

(genos POV)

WHY IS HE HOT??!! was the first thought he had white eyes like me and a look that seemed like he new a really good secret that no one else new His smile seemed genuine but he clearly wasn't used to smiling often His eyes where eclipsed with dark circles but that didnt change the fact that hes Really good looking When he saw I was staring he looked away Pulling up his hood Reaching for the mask  i pulled it away from his reach "You look better with out it" i said His cheeks dusted with blue and he rubbed the back of his neck "you sure?" i nodded Grabbing his hand and Pulling him up "lets go back to camp" he nodded not letting go of my hand But i didn't let go of his ethier. 

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