Chapter 16

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(Reapers POV)

the ground shook I struggled to regain my balance reaching out for anything I looked at the trees they where swaying back and forth violently. I heard geno cry out and i turned back to him He was hanging on the bed for dear life.Then as soon as it started it stopped but my hands shook "W-what was that?!" i asked wide eyed geno breathed for a moment "The gates They opend! a new person got thrown out of the walls but a shake like that has never bin that big" Geno said bewildered He tried to get up but failed and went in to a coughing fit I walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder "Stay hear Ill go investigate" geno tried to get a word in but i hushed him and kissed his forehead "Ill be back love!" i called over my shoulder running out.

 a Team was already being formed "Ah Reaper! You go with Dust Blue and Ink to the west gate we need to know which gate opend and to find the new person who got out are my instructions clear?!" said a gruff looking wolf monster We all nodded Dust motioned for our small squad to move out Every one was shaken "I take this dosnt happen..Often?" i asked Ink shook his head "it wasnt that long since you came it takes years for at least a person to come through how ever This shake is the biggest anyone has ever felt even the elders never felt the ground shake like that somethings up and we need to investigate" i nodded slightly worried now Dust gave me a reassuring grin "Theres nothing to be afraid of we just have to follow protocol" this settled my nevers slightly "They usually Send them further away from the wall So they cant get back in but we need to check the wall just in case so lets split up gang" said blue (oh my gosh there like scooby do gang i just realized, this was unintentional i swear XD) "Ill go with Ink to check for people and you guys go to the wall" i nodded "Why do we have to go to the wall??" said Dust childishly "Well no offense you to but you dont look like a very good welcoming commite" giggled ink "What?? so your saying a guy who looks half insane and another guy who looks like death it self,No offense, isnt the first thing you would wanna see in a strange place?" i could see Dust was trying to hold back a laugh "No buts now meet back hear as soon as you find something r if you dont ya know which evers good" shrugged blue walking off with ink.

Dust sighed and looked at me "Alright Death Lets go" i looked at him confused "Death? since when did that become a thing" He shrugged "just now I mean dude you look like the grim Reaper even your name is Reaper" i laughed "okay you do have a point" i said rolling my eyes he grinned "See all ya need to know out hear is that im always....right.. Oh my god" said dust his jaw hung open i looked at him confused "What?" i turned my head to see what he was looking at And my jaw dropped to A huge wall covered the landscape but that wasnt the surprising thing It was open not closed like it was supposed to be by now...

"I-is that normal??" i asked dust He shook his head his eye sockets widen he grabbed me by the shoulders "WE HAVE TO REPORT THIS" he started running and i sprinted after him "What about blue and ink?!" i called after him "We will get them later right now we have to-" he stopped and i skidded to a halt A bunch of nameless faces surrounded us with guns there masks and grey outfits automatically reviled that they where the voids soldiers "Stand down or we will shoot" said one on the left "Oh my gosh" whispered dust to me"  There was no escape.

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