Chapter 11

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(genos POV)

My soul sunk at those words This just made me feel a whole lot worse.

I cant even bring my self to look at reaper "h-he was your what?" i whisperd

"My brother Geno It still wasn't your fault yes im heart broken but... I always suspected something happens to him" Reaper said "Thats why i didn't mention him before cause half of me new that he.. Died... You dont have to be sorry its was inevitable." 

i dont know what to say My eyes where locked on the make shift grave we built a long time ago My hands lightly shook I new i was gonna start crying again but i dont -I cant he will think im so pathetic i mean hes not even crying at least i dont think so..

"Geno listen to me" he said lifting my chin forcing me to meet his gaze His eye searched mine what he was looking for puzzled me then his stern gaze softened and he used his thumb to wipe a tear away before pulling me in to a hug he rested his chin on my shoulder.

At first i was stunned and puzzled he should hate me he should be angry I basically murdered his brother?! yet..

"I dont understand."

"You dont have to Geno" i finally hugged him back closing my eyes and just enjoyed the moment When he pulled away It brought me back to the harsh reality he looked to the ide and had slight tears at the corner of his eyes I gave him a sympathetic look "Reaper-" he shook his head and clearly forced a smile "lets just finish out scouting alright?" i sighed "Alright Reaper" 

(Reapers POV)

Was i upset? Yeah sure i was upset maybe just slightly angry But i mean As soon as papyrus whent missing that day I new he got casted out And when i came hear I didnt see him and that just confirmed My already growing thoughts he did die not in a quick way but one of the slowest painful ways ever and for that im a bit bitter about but..

I looked at geno He genuinely looked upset My brother was his friend He cared about him. So i guess i cant really be mad can I My brother wouldn't have wanted that.

We walked back to the entrance Blue winked at me And i gave him a really look He just gave a knowing smirk before turning to chat to Another monster sitting with him. Geno didnt look to good In fact he looked really sick "Hey you doing okay?" i asked he shook his head "I dont feel so good I think im just gonna go lie down" he muttered "Okie dokie" i called after him I sighed its probably just a 24 hour bug or something he just needs to sleep it off now wheres that dust guy I have to report to? i though to my self.

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