Something There

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"You know you don't have to stay in here with me the whole time"

At that said Pam opened up her eyes and bend down to look at Guilmon. They were inside their home just being lazy and Pam decided to lay down on top of Guilmon's head who was also laying down being lazy.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you can easily go outside and behave like a cat but I don't want to be the one that stops you from having freshing air"

Pam smiled gently at him.

"You would think that but what fun would it be if i left you in here all alone. I'm perfectly fine where I am"

Guilmon didn't look too convince and so Pam decided to give him a kiss on the cheek for reassurance. Guilmon smiled but then he quickly sensed a digimon close by, his pupil became small and he let out an angry growl. Pam raised one eyebrow and quickly hoped off him, she stared at him in confusion.

"Guilmon are you okay?"

Guilmon just continued to growl outside and suddenly Takato came running in panting.

"Guilmon are you ready?"


Takato and Guilmon ran off together leaving Pam in confusion. (A/N: I'm just making the rest of this part up, so don't get mad) She quickly shook her head and followed them into a bridge. She came to halt as she saw a mist like fog covering the whole area, she immediately went in and saw Guilmon into a fighting position with Birdramon. The sun has already set and it was now night time.

"Alright Guilmon let's do this. Digi-modify, digivolution activate"

"Guilmon digivolve to.......Growlmon"

The fight began and Pam quickly ran to stand by Takato'a side in which he was suprise to see her.

"Pam wait what are you doing here?"

"I came to help if you need me"

"But you can't digivolve without your partner"

"I'm a champion level, I can take it"

The conversation quickly ended when they saw Growlmon got pushed hard into the building close by. Pam was shaking not in fear but of anger, that someone can hurt someone she ...loves. Pam quickly shook her head and ran towards Birdramon jumping into the air and came down punching Birdramon on the head, keeping him distracted for to give Growlmon a chance to stand.

Growlmon stood up beaten and confused on where his components went and gasp in shock when he saw Pam fighting with Birdramon. He growled and quickly ran towards Birdramon and knocked him down using his pyro-sphere. He quickly grabbed Pam into his hand claw and took her into a safer place, he looked down at her.

"What are you doing?"

"I want to help"

"I know you do but I don't want to see you..."

Growlmon was cut off as he was swinged to the side hitting a building by Birdramon. Pam growled curling up her fist as she saw the one she began to fall in love with get hurt. Deep down Pam knew the love was there but she just didn't know how to tell him.

"Okay come on Pam, you can't let the one you love go down, you knew there was sonething there"

She said lowly trying to motivate her self but heard a cry of pain she gasp as she looked up and saw Growlmon got crashed to the ground.

"That's it, there's no other way"

Pam shut her eyes tight and focus all the love she had in her heart for Guilmon and slowly brought it out of her body, he body began to light up shining brighly.

"Gatomon digivolve to......Angewomon"

Angewomon quickly too flight to help Growlmon. Takato was amaze by the digimon that came out of no where. Growlmon looked up in amazement as he saw Angewomon and Birdramon took flight fighting in the sky. Takato ran towards Growlmon.

"Growlmon is that who I think it is? I never saw anything like it"

"It is, I can feel her, its Pam"

The fight continued for another 10 minutes and then finally came to an end with Angewomon being the winner. Growlmon digivolve back into Guilmon and ran towards Angewomon who smiled down at Guilmon. In a flash of light Angewomon digivolve back into Gatomon and happily jumped into Guilmon's arm catching her and spinning her around playfully.

"We did it!"

Guilmon yelled happily causing Pam to giggle. Takato smiled and walked towards the two digimon.

"Hey Pam, how were you able to digivolve?"

"I didn't need my partner to digivolve, it was deep inside me and I just needed a trigger to help me bring it out"

"What was the trigger?"

Pam blushed and looked to Guilmon.

"It was my love for Guilmon, seeing him hurt caused my heart to break. I just brought the love out and that was able to allow me to digivolve"

Guilmon blushed and looked down to Pam.

"You mean it Pam, you love me?"

"I mean it. I love you Guilmon"

"I love you too Pam, always"

Takato smiled happily at the two couple.

"So hey how about we go celebrate?"


Guilmon said happily. Pam jumped on top of Guilmon's head and was surprise at the suggestion.

"And how do you tend to celebrate if we can't be seen by people?"

"Oh did I forgot to mention that my parents already know about Guilmon"

"What?! And you had him staying in that cold damp place"

She said with a growl getting ready to lunge and scratch Takato but Guilmon quickly hold her back while Takato laugh nervously.

"Well it wasn't me it's just the last time we let Guilmon stay at our home, I went off to school and my parents had to work so we left Guilmon alone and when we arrive home, practically all the food was gone and as it turned out Guilmon knows how to open the door"


Pam then looked down to Guilmon.

"So you can open the door?"

"Yeah but I listen to Takato because I don't want him to be mad"

Pam just laugh and nodded to Takato with a smile.

"Then what are we waiting for let's go celebrate"

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Digimon Blossom Sequels Part 2: What Happened To Pam? (Pamela)Where stories live. Discover now