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Takato stopped writing on his homework and looked to his side to see Guilmon, he smiled and set his pencil down and gave his best friend his full attention.

"What's up boy?"

"I was thinking about taking Pam out for a date"

Takato was confused he thought that they been on a date before but Guilmon is looking embarrassed.

"I thought you both were already on a date?"

"Well yeah we been on dates before but I want to make it special for her"

"Okay. What were you planing?"

"I was thinking if you can prepare a basket with food for that way me and Pam can have a picnic at the night"

"Sure no problem but why the night time?"

He asked confused but Guilmon blush and looked to the ground.

"B-because I the way the moonlight reflect from her face. She looks like she's glowing"

Takato smiled.

"You know I think you should tell her that, I bet it would make her happy"

"You think so?"

"Of course. And what would you want me to prepare, I'm pretty sure my mom won't mind"

"Um I was thinking bread, fruits of different kinds and chocolate"

"Hahaha how about I ask my mom to make teriyaki chicken with rice"

"Ooohhh sounds good"


*Night Time*

"Any progress?"

"Very slight progress"

Pam said with a frown. They were currently back at their home. Pam was about to get ready for bed but Guilmon quickly stopped.

"Um Pam, are you tired?"

"No. Why?"

She asked curiously.

"Because I have a surprise for you"

Guilmon said with a smile.

"What is it?"

"It's a surprise"

He grabbed Pam's paw and pulled her up on his back, as he walked out to the lake that wasn't too far away. Pam just stood quiet and enjoyed the ride. After a while of walking, they finally arrived in a very private area.

"Here we are"

Pam jumped of Guilmon's back and gasp as she saw the scenery before her. The water in the like was shimmering like diamonds thanks to the moonlight and a couple of fire flies flying around. While Pam was distracted Guilmon took the chance to get everything set up, he laid the blanket down and put the food out of the basket. He was happy at the fact Takato left everything hiding in the bush.


Pam turned around and was amazed at the picnic that Guilmon set up.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it"

Pam said as she made her way to Guilmon and kissed him on the cheek. They both sat down and began to eat and talk.

"So what do you like about me?"

Pam asked curiously. Guilmon swallowed his food and happily said.

"I love how you stand your ground when things go wrong and plus your very cute. What about me?"

"I love how the fact you are brave and strong and gentle at the same time"

Guilmon happily smiled.

"You know Takato helped me with the idea"

"Oh and was it also his idea for to have the date at the night?"

"Actually it was mine because the truth is I like the way the moonlight reflects your face it makes you look glowing"

Pam's face was red like a tomatoe.

"Oh Guilmon your so sweet and romantic"

She said as she tilt her head to give him a kiss on the cheek but she didn't know that Guilmon also tilt his head and it caused their lips to touch. They slowly pulled away blushing in surprise by the touch on the lips. Pam touched her lips but was also curious on how it would feel like to be kiss on the lips. Guilmon was also curious as he saw Pam touch her lips with a blush.

"Did you like it?"

Pam nodded shyly.

"But I want to try again if you want?"

She asked. Guilmon nodded as he leaned closer to Pam tolting his head. Pam tilt her head and leaned closer, closing the distance between them their lips touch once more. They closed their eyes as they enjoyed the feeling of the other pressed again them, feeling sparks causing them to closing their eyes. After a moment they pulled away blushing.

"I liked it"

Guilmon blurted out causing Pam to giggle.

"I didn't like"

Pam said with a smile but Guilmon gave her a confused look.

"Did my mouth smell like burning ashes?"

"Hahaha no. I was going to say I loved it"

It was Guilmon's turn to laugh but was surprise when he got knocked down to the blanket by Pam who was smirking on top with her hands on his chest, laying down on top of his body.

"I think we are going to need to get used to our lips touching, don't you think"


He said as he wrapped his arms around Pam's waist. She then leaned down and captured his lips to hers causing a surprise moan to slip from Guilmon's lips. As their make out session began, little did they know not to far off on one side Impmon saw staring at the two couples with a look of jealousy.

"He doesn't deserve a hot babe like that"

On the other side it was Renamon who was surprise and also had the look of jealousy in her eyes.

"I see he found another playmate"

As the happy couple pulled apart, they were panting from the lack of air. Guilmon sat up, pulling Pam along with him, so he can look towards the lake.

"Its nice"

She turned around so her back was against his stomach, Guilmon left his arms wrapped around Pam as if he was covering her up from the cold air.

"Yeah it is"

Pam then looked up towards Guilmon, who looked down at her and saw how beautiful she was against the pale moonlight and her eyes that shine like stars. He then pressed his lips against hers once more, after a few seconds he pulled away from the loving kiss.

"I love you Pamela"

"I love you too Guilmon"

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Digimon Blossom Sequels Part 2: What Happened To Pam? (Pamela)Where stories live. Discover now