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"Her name is Tiny, she was just an infant left abandoned in the digital world. The good digimons that were there and took her under their wings. They build a home for her, big enough to look like a giant mansion. She grew up and knew that she was different. Along the way Tiny taught herself how to build anything out of scrap. She wanted to know how the human world was but what she saw was nothing but a mess and decided to stay at the digital world"

Pam then looked to Jerry.

"So don't tell me that you had a tragic life because nothing can compare to what Tiny had to grow up with. You still had a father and that's better than having to grow up with nobody"

Jeri and Takato looked at the ground in shame.

"Geez Pam, we're sorry, we didn't know"

"I know and I don't feel comfortable talking about Tiny's past its her story so she should be the one to tell it"

"We understand, again we're sorry for this whole misunderstanding"

Takato said with a sad smile. Pam smiled and nodded. She then jumped back onto Guilmon's back.

"So how about we start over again?"

Jeri said with a gentle smile.


Pam said and Takato and Jeri sat on the mat where Guilmon and Pam sleep for they can get more comfortable for to talk.

*At Henry's Home*

"The point is that we tried"

Terriermon said.

"Yeah but I kind of feel bad that we didn't get no progress"

Henry said, he was about to sit down on the couch until someone knocked on the door. He then got up and went to answer the door.


Henry asked as he open the door to reveal a girl with brown eyes and long brown hair, wearing a blue dress. The girl smiled at him.

"Hi, you have something of mine"

She said gently. Henry looked at her confused.

"I'm sorry, what?"

*At The Shed*

Guilmon, Pam, Jeri and Takato were having a good converstaion when Henry showed up with Terriermon on his shoulder.

"Hey I thought you guys might be here"

He said with a smile. Takato and Jeri stood up.

"Yeah we thought it would be a good idea for to get to know each other more"

"Well I got some news, Pam there is someone who wants to meet you"

Pam got off of Guilmon.


"Come outside and see"

He said as he moved away for Pam could go outside, she froze and gasp at who she saw. The girl stood smiling at Pam.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to find you"

Pam's eyes began to gloss with tears threatening to fall.


She said in a whisper. Pam quickly shook her head and ran to Tiny with tears.


She yelled jumping into Tiny's arms. They remained hugging each other for a while, until they finally pulled apart and looked towards the group. Tiny happily smiled at them.

"Thank you for taking care of her"

Pam then looked to Tiny.

"How did you find me?"

"Well, I was actually looking for you and when I tried looking up the tracker from the device, I couldn't find you. So i looked up at the last place you were before and went from there. When I got to the city, I still couldn't find you, it took me months but just a few days ago I receive a faint signal coming from your device but then it shut off automatically. And then I found him"

She said pointing to Henry. Pam jumped down and looked up at Tiny.

"Oh, I want you to meet my friends. This is Takato, Jeri and last but not least Guilmon"

Tiny smiled at the group.

"It's nice meeting you all"

Tiny then looked down at Pam.

"So are you ready to go home?"

Pam immediately nodded but froze and look back to see Guilmon. Guilmon quickly took a step forward.

"Wait Pam you can't leave. What about me? You're my girlfriend"

Pam didn't know what to say, she finally had a chance to go back home but failed to realize who she would leave behind. Takato smiled and patted Guilmon on the head.

"Hey its okay Guilmon, its just time for her to go home, where she belongs"


"Look buddy I know you mean well but Pam been wanting to go home since day one and besides if you really love someone then let them go"

Guilmon sadly looked towards the ground. After a moment of silence, Guilmon lift up his head to face Pam.


He said sadly, Pam heartbroke from the sad look and was about to say something but Tiny interrupted.

"Its time to go Pam"

She said as she opened the portal to the digital world.

"Thanks for all your help"

Guilmon quickly turn around to walk back into his shed because he couldn't bare the sight of seeing Pam walk through the portal leaving him behind. He sadly cried hoping no one will see him or hear him. Pam watched sadly as Guilmon walked away, she was then lifted up by Tiny as they walked through the portal. As they made it into the digital world, Tiny put Pam down.

"So Pam, how about we celebrate on reuniting?"

She said walking but stopped when she didn't hear a response. She looked down and didn't see her, she turned around and saw Pam still standing there frozen. Tiny then walked back to Pam.

"Pam, are you okay?"

No words came out except for tears. Pam was in lost of words, she felt her heart was breaking. She fell to her knees.

"I-I think I made a terrible mistake"

"What do you mean?"

"How can I leave Guilmon like that, he's my boyfriend, he's my world"

Tiny smiled gently at her.

"Hey its gonna be okay"

"No its not, please you have to take me back before I die of a broken heart"

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Digimon Blossom Sequels Part 2: What Happened To Pam? (Pamela)Where stories live. Discover now