New Partner?!

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It took Pam a couple of days to recover thanks to Guilmon who held her tight as she pour her heart out. Guilmon gave her the comfort when she needed it and he was happy to give it to her. He helped to keep her distracted with both kisses and talks. Pam was currently taking a cat nap while Guilmon amuse himself by digging a hole.

Pam began to wake up as she let out a yawn and stretched her back. She shook her head lightly and looked to see what Guilmon was doing, she remained staring at him for a while. She lightly cleared up her throat and the noise peak up on Guilmon's ear, he stopped what he was doing and turn around to see Pam smiling and staring at him in which he happily return the smile.

"How was your nap?"

"It was good. What are you doing?"

Guilmon looked down at the ground he dug under himself and looked back at Pam.


He said simply as he dust himself off. Pam walked up to him and stretched out her arms towards him.

"Guilmon I need a hug"

He looked at her with a smile. He got out of the dirt and carried Pam up and hugged her gently before nuzzling his snout on her neck causing her to giggle.

"That tickles"

She said as she pulled away, Guilmon leaned closer to her face to close the distance between them as he gently gave her a passionate kiss. After a few minutes they pulled away panting from the lack of air. They remained starung into each other's eyes until the moment was broken by Takato who decided to stop by.

"Hey you two lovebirds"

He said jokingly. Guilmon and Pam pulled away and greeted Takato but was surprise that he wasn't alone. Takato looked to Pam with a smile.

"Hey Pam I would like you to meet Jeri, she's also a friend of ours"

The girl stepped forward and got down in her knees to take a good look at Pam. Pam took a step back as the girl got closer to her.

"Hi I'm Jeri, what's yours?"

"Its Pamela or Pam for short"

"Oh and what kind of digimon are you?"


"Oh and I have someone who would also like to meet you"

Pam got surprise and felt weird when Jeri stuff the hand puppet in front of her face. Pam glared at her slightly and jumped on top of Guilmon for some distance from Jeri. Jeri simply smiles and stood up dusting off dirt. Takato took a step forwards.

"Jeri here is also a digidestined like us"

Pam looked to Takato with a bored look.


"She would just like to get to know you that's all"

He said nervously. Pam raised one eye brow.


"Just because"

"Since she is a digidestined wouldn't her partner get mad if they find out?"

Jeri sadly looked towards the ground. Takato let out a sigh.

"Her partner died a long time ago"

"So she doesn't have a partner?"


"And you want us to hang out together?"


Pam glared at Takato

"Are you trying to set us up?"


He said trailing off but Jeri stepped in.

"They're would be no harm for us to be friends, I mean I heard that you can't go back home so that means you can't be with your partner and I don't have a partner. Why don't we just see if this will work?"

She asked with a smile. Pam let out a growl and jumped off Guilmon.

"I have no intention of finding a new partner and you thinking that you can replace that digimon of yours is just sad. So do me a favor go back to where ever it is you came because you're wasting your time with me"

Jeri's eyes began to water, she let out a sob and quickly ran off. Guilmon and Takato were in shock by what Pam said. Takato glared at Pam.

"That was very cold Pam, you don't even know what she been through, she has a very hard life. She lost her mother at a young age and her digimon had died aswell so just cut her some slack."

"And what do you want me to do? You want me to feel sorry for her?"

"All I'm asking you to do is be a friend to her"

"No you want me to be her new partner but I got news for you I'm not looking for a new partner so you also wasted your time"

"I was also trying to look out for you"

He said angrily before running off to find Jeri. Pam rolled her eyes and turn to look at Guilmon who had a frown on his face.


"You shouldn't have done that, Jeri is a very nice girl"

"I'm sorry but I don't care"

"You should from what I know Jeri is a very happy cheerful girl but she only have her father, step mother and half brother. She doesn't even have her own digimon because he was killed"

"Sorry but that's nothing compared to what my partner has been through"

"Then explain"

"Not yet because Takato had to hear this too because apparently I'm the insensitive one"

Pam said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

'I just hope she doesn't get mad at me if I tell them the truth'

She thought. After a while, Takato came back with Jeri, Pam walked up to them.

"Look I am not going to apologize for something that wasn't my fault because Takato you should have asked me first if I was okay with the idea and Jeri I stand by what I said before you are not going to get any sympathy from me with that sap childhood story of your mother and your deceased Digimon"

"Then what are we doing here?"

Jeri asked angrily crossing her arms over chest.

"For you can understand my view by hearing my partner's story"

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Digimon Blossom Sequels Part 2: What Happened To Pam? (Pamela)Where stories live. Discover now