Lou has had a crush on Henry for as long as she can remember even though he bully's her friend. Her friends know of this not so secret crush but support her any way. But when her parents go on a business trip and is left with Henry and his dad. Bu...
Henry I woke up to see Lou laying on my chest. Her make up was smudged and her hair was a mess but she still looked perfect. 'Hey baby wake up' 'No sleep' she said while nuzzeling into my chest ' come on baby its time to get up .' 'Uhhhh fine ' she said while rolling out of bed which made her fall on the floor. ' ouch, why you push me' she said. I rolled my eyes and laughed. ' I'm gonna get dressed there's a hairbrush in the bath room if you wanna use it' 'yeah okay can I wear this today' she said while picking up one if my tops ' yeah if you want' i planted a kiss on her lips then pushed her in the direction of the bathroom. WWhen she came back into the room. My jaw dropped how cab someone pull of a T-shirt as a dress.
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'You look stunning' 'Guys can you come down ' I looked at Lou and linked our hands together. 'hey guys' Lou said while unlinking our hands
'Hi Lou hi Henry. Well Lou your dad has to go on a business trip for a couple of months and I'm going with him' Courtney said. 'Okay' she replied. 'You are going to be staying with me and Henry. I will put up a bed in Henry's room for you' Oscar said. I smiled 'thank you for letting me stay' Lou replied. 'When are you going' I asked. 'We are ment to be see the airport in a couple of hours' Courtney said 'Oh okay do you want me to take Lou to hers to pick her clothes up so you can make a move' I replied. 'Would you thanks' Darryl said.
Lou 'Mom how long will you be gone' I asked '3 to 4 months but it's okay you can call and FaceTime me' my mom said. 'Alright I love you mom. I love you dad' i said. 'We love you too I'm gonna Miss you so much have a good time' my father said. 'I'm gonna miss you too'i say while hugging them both. I waved them off to their car 'bye' they shouted.
Henry 'Shall we go to your place' I asked putting my arm around Lou's waist Lou nodded with a sad look on her face that made my heart hurt. 'Hey don't be sad you have me and my dad for a few months its gonna be okay' I said hugging her. 'Common rommie let's go pick up my crap' she laughed hugging back. We walked to my car in which she jumped in. I can't believe shes my girl. When we get to Lou's Lou pulled out a suitcase from under her bed and stuffed as many clothes in as she could. 'You got everything' I said laughing as she sat on the suitcase trying to shut it. "No I haven't even put my makeup in yet of anything like that" she replied "Can you get it its in the bathroom' Lou said standing up. 'Yeah okay ' I said and went in the bathroom to get Lou's makeup. ' You know you don't need to wear makeup your pretty enough' I shouted. 'Thanks babe I'm meeting up with the losers today wanna come' Lou said hugging me. 'Hummm ahhh yeah fuck it ' I said since I had nothing to do. 'Wait really' Lou said sounding shocked 'yeah I don't see why not ' I said whole smiling 'Oh my god thanks you babe please be nice' she said. I hugged her and kissed her cheek 'Fine here give me that' I said while grabbing her suit case. 'Can I drive' Lou asked. 'Yeah I'm feeling nice today ' I laughed.
Time skip to henrys house 'Let's get you unpacked' I said. 'Okay ' Lou laughed. 'Oh wear this today you would look hot' I laughed making Lou roll her eyes.
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'Okay only if you wear a pink top ' Lou said smirking. I rolled my eyes and fell on my bed. 'Com'on let's go the losers are waiting' Lou said.