Lou has had a crush on Henry for as long as she can remember even though he bully's her friend. Her friends know of this not so secret crush but support her any way. But when her parents go on a business trip and is left with Henry and his dad. Bu...
Bill A year ago if you told me I would be in a poly relationship with Lou and Henry I thought you are mad but its actually happening. 'Why did you let me drink so much ' lou moaned rubbing her eyes. 'Morning babe' she said kissing my lips. 'You r-r-remembered' I smiled. 'Yeah I wouldn't forget let's go get henry up' she said pulling me out of bed 'h-henry g-g-g-get u-u-up' I shouted. ' Hey babies' he said as he pulled us into a hug. 'B is your stutter worse in the morning' henry asked. I put my head down and nodded 'hey we wanna see that beautiful that beautiful face' henry said while pushing my chin up. Henry told pat to wait at the door. He walked behind Lou and shouted 'now' henry grabbed onto ms and pat grabbed lou and ran outside to go in the pool. 'H-h-henry w-w-why i-i-im all wet. ' 'we all are babe' lou said. She walked over to henry to give him a kiss. 'You know you can kiss me to your my boy and your my girl lou' henry said. He pulled me towards him and kissed me 'shall we go see the losers today you three ' lou said I nodded so did henry. 'Pat if you come you can't pick on them' Lou said. Pat sighed and nodded his head. 'Pat can I borrow some clothes and bill' henry said. 'Yeah okay', pat said. 'E-erm pats too t-tall' I said quietly 'oh yeah well we will get dressed then go to yours then back to mine to get lou ready' henry said. Everyone agreed. Once the boys had got dressed we walked to mine. 'C-c-come in j-j-just be q-quiet' I grabbed Lous and henrys hand and dragged them into my bedroom 'l-l-lou I need h-h-elp' I said 'oh let me pick an outfit' she said as she walked into my closet. 'Henry make sure his eyes are closed.' Lou shouted as I felt hands covered my eyes. I tried to joke around with henry by puckering my lips. 'Oh you wanna play that game do you' 'uhh I uh' I stuttered. He pushed me to lay down on my bed and climbed ontop of me and kissed me lightly. 'S-s-stop t-t-teasing' I said quietly. 'Found it oH shit sorry was I interrupting ' lou said while walking back into the closet. 'Lou b-b-baby come o-o-out. ' she ran into the bathroom with the clothes in her hand 'there in there go make me proud ' lou laughed 'he made me proud already' henry said while winking at me. I ran into the bathroom.
Lou 'Thank you henry' I said while giving him a hug ' its okay lou don't tell him but I liked him too' 'h-h-henry babe i-if you d-d-dont want me to hear s-s-stuff talk more q-q-quietly' bill shouted. 'Are you almost done.' I shouted. Bill walked out
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'Jesus lou you did it again' Henry said. 'He's ours all ours ' henry said 'Yours' Bill said. Henry walked up to him circled him. 'Erm h-h-henry what are you doing. ' Bill asked. 'This' before Bill could do anything henry had lift bill over his shoulder are ran downstairs 'bye Mr and Mrs denbrough' I said. 'Bye m-m-mom and d-d-dad' Bill shouted ' pat piggy bag go' I screamed while jumping on hid back. Henry and pat ran all the way to mine and henrys. 'Lou wait here. You chose Bill so now we are choosing yours ' henry said while blindfolding mine. 'Heads or tails B ' 'h-h-heads' 'tails stay here with lou ' I felt my bed dip down a bit. 'Hey ' 'h-h-hey
Bill. Lou reached out to feel my face 'i-i-im still h-h-here baby. ' she grabbed my hand and kissed. 'I love you ' 'I love you too' she smiled. 'You didn't stutter' 'we found it, its in the bathroom' pat said. I helped her up and showed her to the bathroom since she was still blindfolded. 'Hey babe' henry said 'y-y-yeah' I replied 'Carry on from earlier did you get the blindfold of Lou' I walked over to the bathroom again 'here you go B' lou said as she handed me the blindfold. 'Pat go wait downstairs ' henry said pushing him out. 'See lou takes a while to do her make up and hair so we have time. Also she can't hear us since she has her headphones in. ' henry told me while putting the blindfold on me and laying me down. He undid my shirt and started to kiss my chest 'h-h-henry' I moaned. he licked up my neck and created a hickey. With his spare hand he pushed my legs apart. 'Does this feel good baby boy' 'Yes h-h-henry'. All of a sudden all contact was lost. 'That's not my name is it' 'I d-d-dont know' 'if your my baby boy I'm your' 'd-d-daddy' I answered turning bright red. Henry started to grind on me 'Jesus chr f-f-fuck' I moaned ' my headphones aren't in I can hear you ' Lou shouted. 'Put them in then' henry shouted back. Henry continued to grind on me. He kissed the bottom of my stomach all the way up. 'H-h-h' 'Excuse me who' henry whispered. 'D-d-daddy' I whispered not used to calling him that .I felt the zip of my shorts coming down. 'Is this okay ' I nodded. 'I'm done and coming in' Lou said. 'Awe my boys are getting along' Lou said. 'Holy Jesus lou I don't know it would look this good on you' henry said. 'Henry can y-y-you u-u-undo this please' I said. 'Baby you didn't stutter my name' henry said while undoing my blindfold. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the light. But when I saw lou my jaw dropped
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'Wow' I whispered. I ran over to her and picked her up and span her around. She quickly kissed me then henry. 'Ours' me and henry said.
Time skip to barrens Lou I grabbed henrys and Bills hand. 'Whatup losers' I said. 'Wait wait wait hold up patricks here and why are you holding Bills and Henrys ' richie sreeked. 'Me bill and Henry are in a poly relationship. Which means all three of us are dating each other. Everyso often this happens ' I said while pointing to bill and henry to kiss. 'But also this or this' I said and walked over to bill to kiss him then henry ' so ya they are my boyfriends' 'My brain hurts and that's not good for you my momm' Eddie squealed. 'Eddie shut up. Since we are confessing stuff. Watch' richie said. He walked over to Eddie and kissed him passionately on the lips. 'Called it' henry and pat said. 'Stan you okay' I said He ran up to bill and hugged him making him fall over. 'You got your girl and a boy bro your awsome' Stan said. Henry put his arm around me. 'I'm gonna sleep now' pat said which made me laugh 'he's hanging. ' henry said. 'Got everyone watching us so let's keep it secret. ' I sung quietly 'b-b-baby your an a-a-a-a shit a-a-amazing singer' Bill said. 'Thanks babe' I said leaning over to kiss him. 'Pats asleep' henry laughed. Henry ran to get something he came back with a massive bucket filled with water. 'Oh give me' I said taking it off Henry. I poured the whole thing on pat. 'Fuck' he screamed. 'Lou r-r-run' bill screamed grabbing mine and henrys hand. We were running and laughing untill I fell over. 'Baby' they both screamed. I looked down to see a huge cut on my leg. 'Bendy' Henry throw me over his shoulder and grabbed onto bill and ran back to Eddie. By this point tears were streaming down my face. 'H-h-hey your o-o-o shit o-o-okay' 'Both of you calm down bill you can't talk and lou just look at Bill. Didn't mean to be rude babe meant it in away like you can't talk clearly when you panic. ' 'e-e-e-eddie h-h-help' Eddie pushed richie of the chair so I could be put on it. Bill pulled the bandana of his wrist to wrap around my eyes so I couldn't see the blood.' Thank you ' 'hold onto henry and bill. ' this time it didn't hurt as much but it still hurt. 'Richie make a joke' I said. 'No sex for Eddie since he pushed me' 'that's not a joke pat make a joke' 'cocksteller' Bill called out. 'Thanks what side are you. ' I said bill out his hand on my opppesit cheek to pull me into a kiss 'bitch your getting it later 'I love you both' I said