'Seriously guys you are all amazing. I love you guys to much. ' I said. We were all so drunk. I was in Bills arms and Henry was spooning with pat. 'Lou truth or dare its the last one' pat said. 'Truth' I replied not wanting to do anything sexual.
'Who did you have a crush in before you were mine ' henry said
'You and bill' I whispered the end. I know bill heared because he tightened his grip around me. 'You had a crush on me and bill. Then why on earth did you pick me the bully who bullies anyone in sight. Why didn't you pick Bill. He's litterly what you need' henry cried. 'Henry don't cry. I couldn't date Bill he had to much going on with Georgie going missing. Henry. ' henry walked over to me 'lou I love you I truley do' 'henry I love you too '
'Bill I love you' pat said wanting to break the tension 'I l-l-love you too' bill laughed 'soo want to carry on from earlier' pat questioned. 'No i-i-im g-g-good. ' ' right let's go to bed I'm surprised lou hasn't fallen asleep yet' henry said giving me a quick smirk. 'Bill you share with lou I need to talk to pat tonight about a date with Lou tonmorow just keep her save okay and if anything happens get me okay' I heared henry whispered to Bill
'Com'on l-l-lou.' Bill said while picking me up. 'Pat please don't fuck my boyfriend ' I laughed ' sorry no promises' pat replied ' bro no' henry said.Bill put me on the bed and pulled of his top. 'H-h-here' put t-t-this on your f-f-frozen' he said. I pulled his top over my head 'let it go let it go. ' I sung. ' what'
'You said frozen so I'm Elsa and your Olaf ' I said cry laughing 'o-o-mg Lou ' he laughed. He layer down in he bed and smiled at me. 'I'm cold' I whispered. He put his arm around me and pulled me close to him. 'Love you Bill' I whispered
'Love you too lou' bill said.
'Omg bill you didn't stutter' 'I k-k-know ' Bill stuttered making me giggle. We heared someone moan. 'Omg pat I said no fucking my boyfriend'. I said making Bill laugh ' babe relax we ain't doing anything' henry shouted 'just have fun with Bill if you get what I mean shit henry' pat shouted. 'Shut the door and goodnight ' I shouted. 'Is Billy boy asleep'henry shouted. ' n-n-n-no I'm a-a-a-awake' bill shouted back
'Night' we all screamed.
'Can I try something please' I whispered. 'O-o-o-ok' bill whispered. I put my head under the covers and started to kiss up his chest from his waist 'fuck l-l-lou' Bill moaned.
Bill pulled me up and flipped us over so he was onto of us. 'Hi' Bill said as he leaned down. As i felt our lips I realized how much I wanted him. 'Bill I love you but I also love Henry I dont know what to do.' I cried. 'One sec I will be back.'Bill
As I walked to henry and pats room I was thinking about what lou had said. she loves both of us. 'H-h-henry can I c-c-come in p-please I n-n-need to talk to y-y-you' 'Kay one sec Patrick go to Lou. ' I heared him say. As pat walked out his hair was all messed up. 'Wow you really did fuck my boyfriend.' I heared lou say.Lou
I ran over to pat and started to cry 'I love them b-b-both pat' I stuttered. 'Shh shh shh its okay they are sorting something out. I know Henry he wants you but also wants you to have what's best. ' pat assured me
'I don't want to lose either of them'. I cried.
'So when did you start liking them. '
'Henry a year ago. Gretta was trying to push me down the stairs at the front if the school and he kinda saved me. ' I said. 'Oh wow big bad henry turns good.' He laughed 'what about Bill. ' he questioned. ' well I've always liked him more then the other losers and I don't know why untill a few years ago I realized I had a huge crush on him' I said 'I didn't k-k-know if he liked me back so my shorts got shorter tops shorter. Only to impress henry and bill. '
'Damn Lou' pat said we heared a knocking at the door. 'Come in' pat said. Bill was bright red and Henry had a smirk on his face. 'So no body new this but I'm poly which means if I'm with someone and they like someone else they can be included in the relationship if the person im with is okay with it.' 'S-s-so come and h-h-h-h-hug your boyfriends' bill said ' wait your fucking with me' I said. 'Does this really look like we are fucking with you babe' henry said and he pushed Bill against the door frame and kissed him passionately. 'Omg guys you are the best seriously. ' I said while running to the both and hugging them. 'I knew you liked Bill since the barrens the way you look at each other. Why do you think I made them dares up for you guys' henry said. 'Hilou. Your ship name.' Pat said 'I'm tired I'm going to bed ' I said. I kissed henrys lips then I kissed Bills lips. 'Night' I said walking into the bedroom closing the door. A hand stopped it. 'I-i-i-im in h-h-here too' Bill laughed. 'Shit sorry.' I said.
Bill picked me up and put me on the bed for the second time 'night baby' 'night babe. Night baby' I shouted.
Bill snaked his arm around my waist and pulled him close to me 'ours' he whisperedBasically henry bill and lou are in a poly relationshil x

Henry Bowers ~crush
FanfictionLou has had a crush on Henry for as long as she can remember even though he bully's her friend. Her friends know of this not so secret crush but support her any way. But when her parents go on a business trip and is left with Henry and his dad. Bu...