I can't believe its lous last day staying at mine. Its actually making me really sad. 'Hey baby' lou said rolling over onto me. 'I can't believe your leaving later' I said. 'I'm not going far ' lou said. 'Yeah I know but your still my baby girl' I said making her tear up. 'No dont cry cause if you cry I'll cry' I laughed
'When people cry its not because there weak its because they have been strong for too long' lou said with tears running down her face.
Just by looking at her tears started streaming down my face. 'Comeon lou we need shit sorry' Connor said walking in. 'Quicker we get packed more time we have together' lou said pulling her suitcase out from under her bed. I grabbed her clothes from her draws and gave them to her. 'Isn't that uncomfortable ' I said holding a thong. 'No its not' lou laughed. She got all her hair stuff and put it in her backpack.everything was in her suitcase in her car. 'Henry I forgot to leave some clothes out to wear today' lou said. 'I chucked some sweat pants and a top to lou.
'Don't put them on yet though 'I said locking the door. I quickly lifted her onto the bed and pulled her top of. 'I love you so so much' I said kissing her lips 'I love you so so much too' the radio was on and blanc space came on
'I can make the bad guys good for a weekend ' lou sung as I pulled my top of.Time skip to 1
'Lou come quickly' Connor said. Lou pulled me downstairs.
'Mom dad' lou screamed running up to her parents
'I've missed you so so much' courteny cried.
'I've missed you too oh mom dad I'm just gonna get it over and done with. I'm poly. And I'm dating henry and Bill Denbrough' lou said holding my hand. 'Oh baby we know Connor told us just in case anything happened. ' Daryl said. Lou hugged them again. Lou turned around to me and ran and hugged me. 'Its gonna be weird not having you here waking me up playing silly little songs dancing even though its midnight. Waking up with you next to me ' I cried. 'Henry get a grip I'm not moving away I'm still gonna be just around the corner ' lou cried pulling me in for a kiss. 'Daryl shut up she's kissing her boyfriend ' Courtney whispered. 'Mom' lou whined
'Gonna miss you baby girl,' I said hugging her one more time. 'Gonna miss you to big boy I'll probably be back tommorow ' lou cried. She ran over to dad. 'Thank you for putting up with me for so long ' lou said hugging him
'Its okay your like one of my own ' dad said hugging her back. 'I lobe you henry' lou said throwing her arms around me once more. I lightly kissed her lips. She got in her car and started to drive of. '5,4,3,2,1' I counted down. Lou drove back to mine. 'I Think I forgot my charger ' lou said. I quickly ran upstairs to retrieve her charger. I ran back downstairs with it 'here you go baby ' I said handing her the charger.
'Dad I'm going to meet vic and pat' I said
'Henry she's a keeper they both are ' dad said. I walked back to him and hugged him. 'Thanks dad' I said.Time skip to vics house.
'Hey can I come in' I said as Mackenzie opened the door. 'Yeah pictors upstairs ' he said. I walked upstairs and into vics room. 'Hey vic hey pat' I said laying on the bed. 'Hey henry where's lou' vic asked
'She's at home with her parents they came home today ' I said sighing
'Oh when are you next seeing her' pat asked
'Tommorow but its really weird not having her next to me ' I admitted
'What's bill doing today ' pat said
'Erm dunno I'll call him,'
'Hey baby boy what are you doing ' I said into the phone
'Nothing w-w-where are you ' bill asked
'Vics are yoj coming over '
'Y-y-yeah' bill said
'Alright bye baby, '
'Bye b-b-big boy' he said
'He will be here soon' I said they nodded. 'You know Bill was fingering Lou when we all went for a meal' pat laughed. 'Yeah he was gonna see how long she was gonna last before getting caught' I laughed. I looked at vic who had his eyes closed ad biting his lip. 'What the fuck are you doing ' I said rolling of the bed. 'Ow' I laughed.
We heared the door bell
'The gangbangs up stairs ' Mackenzie said. 'Eww w-w-what no g-g-gross' bill said running upstairs. 'Hey baby boy ' I said as he walked in and sat on my lap. 'H-h-hey h' he said. 'You comfy their ' I laughed 'Im f-f-fine 'bill whispered. 'Bill why was you fingering Lou at the meal' vic said. Bill chuckled and turned his head and nuzzeled into my chest.Soo there is going to be 2 more parts of this little book thingy I know let me do it for you whhhhhyyyyyy only me okay. I don't really want to drag it on any further but there's going to be huge time skips I mean like 4 years for the first one and 3 years foot the last one so there might be something special happening *cough *cough *cough sorry sore throat but yeah this book has been my best one yet.
Surprise I'm doing a bowers gang oneshot book its called drum roll please. *drum roll* bowers gang oneshot I know original. But I have loved doing this book comment if I should make a part 2 like a huge huge huge huge time skip.
Also one more thing I know something you don't know. Sorry bout that but all in all I love you guys sooooo much

Henry Bowers ~crush
FanfictionLou has had a crush on Henry for as long as she can remember even though he bully's her friend. Her friends know of this not so secret crush but support her any way. But when her parents go on a business trip and is left with Henry and his dad. Bu...