Lous POV
' hey connor do you mind if I go and see my friends today ' I said
'Yeah no problem Lou '
'Okay bye bye henry' I shouted upstairs.
'Bye Lou' henry screamed making his voice crackTime skip to quarry
'Hey losers new loser?? '
I said
'Hey I'm ben your Lou right bills told me so much about you' ben said which made me giggle.
'Ben'bill said frustratedly
'Nah mate its cool' I said while winking at him
'Who's first' richie says
'I'll go sissies ' Beverly said.
'Hey bevvy ' I screamed after her. ' wait you know bev' ben said.
'Hell ya she's the shit bro. ' I said. I ran to the the edge if the cliff and jumped
'Bevvy come here I've missed you so much you said you would visit. ' I cried.
'I'm sorry dad emm kept me in you into anyone ' she said while pointing at bill who was flying of the cliff.
'Yeah actually his names henry as in henry bowers he's my boyfriend' I said in a whisper. Me and bev hadent seen each other in ages and I didn't know how she would react to me crushing on henry. 'Oh my god Lou your such a badass' she screamed. ' w-w-whos a b-b-badass' bill said as he swam towards us 'Lou is duh its a no brainer'
'Yeah s-s-she is something'Time skip to the edge of the quarry
Me and bevvy were sunbathing when Gods plan came on.
'Turn this up ' me richie and bev screamed.
'Ey ey she said do you love me I said only partly I only love my bill and eds mom I'm sorry' richie screached.
'Give me s-s-s love m-m-man' bill said
'Don't call me eds and why ma mommy' Eddie wined
'Quit whining bro follow me i need to talk to you. ' Richie said while standing up with Eddie following me.
Richies pov
Its now or never
'Eddieilikeyoulikenorethanabestfriendshouldandiwouldloveforyoutobemyboyfriendonlybillknowsthatilikeyoubutpleasesayyes' i blurted out.
'Okay slow down I have no idea what you just said' eddie said while he grabbed my hand.
'Eddie I like you like more then a bestfriends shout and I would love for you to be my boyfriend only bill knows that I like but please say yes' I said while turning bright red. 'Mommy said it was a sin to like a boy but I can't help that I like you that way and yes of course I will go out with you are you crazy I've been waiting for ages ' Eddie said. He kissed me on the cheek and ran back to the losers. I let a tear fall doen my cheek. He's finally my boyfriend. Only mine.
I wiped the tear and ran after Eddie.
'What up fuckers ' I screamed making Eddie jump.
'Why do you have my phone' Lou said
'Fuck you that's why' I said back
Bill covered Lous ears 'w-w-watch your p-p-profanity'
He stuttered making all of us burst out laughing.
'Guys I have to go I'm meeting Henry for a movie '
Lou said. I looked over at bill who was looking at the floor not wanting to look at lou. Bill had a huge crush on Lou but she is too in love with bowers yo realize that.Lous POV.
'Hey babe do we have to go to the movies can't we go to patricks his parents are away. ' henry said.
'Oh yeah okay can I bring bill he's really Lonley at the moment since georgies gone' I said. Henrys flinched for some reason.
'Yeah fine only cos his brothers gone. '
'Thanks babe' I said while kissing his lips. I grabbed henrys hand and started to walk to bills 'hey bill wanna come to pats house with me and Henry ' I said
'Erm I don't s-see why n-n-not' he stuttered I have to admit if I wasn't with henry I would think bills really cute. 'Com'on then boys' I said while grabbing bills hand with my free one ' babe want a piggy back'henry said while looking at mine and bills hand. 'Oh yes please' I said while running to a bench. 'Am i-i gonna b-b-be thirdwheeling ' bill laughed 'problem' henry hissed ' henry be nice or I'm going back to bills tonight ' I whispered ' sorry ' henry whispered.Time skip to pats house
'Hey sexy wtf stuttering bill doing here' pat said. 'She's mine and lou wanted him here just go with it she's happy and missing her parents. ' henry said
'I plan on getting hammered tonight ' pat said 'ohh me to ' I said 'uh no your not baby' henry said 'uhh yes I am ''omg just let her get hammered henry ' pat said 'what about you big bill' 'I m-m-mean I done m-m-mind. '
'What about you babe ' i said to henry ' ahh fuck it can we crash here thought '
'Yeah man' pat saidAfter we had shared a bottle of vodka we played truth or dare.
'B-b-bill truth or dare' henry teased. ' dare'
'Oh feeling fisty are we'
'I dare you and pat to kiss ' henry laughted
'Come here Billy boy ' pat said while beconing bill to his lap. 'W-w-what do I really h-h-have to do this'
'Yeah you do now come here is it a snog or just a kiss' pat questioned
'Snog' I said
When bill was infront of pat he got pulled into pats lap. Pat smacked his lips into bills. Henry covered my eyes 'hey I want to see my best friend making out with your bestfriend ' I laughted. I lulled henrys hand of to see them in a full make out session. Bill lulled away first 'hey I'm not done with you yet 'pat said smacking his lips into bills once more 'oh kinky ' I laughted
Bill pulled back once more 'are we d-d-done yet. ' bil said shyly. Pat kissed him once more then replies 'now we are but your staying here' which made bill roll his eyes. 'Damn your bestie a good kisser lou.
'Lou truth or dare ' henry said. 'Dare' I said. 'Take your top of ' henry said. I pulled my top of 'any more vodka-a-a pat.' Bill said' I need to get more drunk'
'Yeah I go get it ' pat said lifting bill up to get the vodka. 'Henry truth or dare ' 'dare' 'make out with pat or give bill a hickey' I giggled. 'Bill get your arse in here now ' bill ran in almost falling over on the way. 'Lou go and sit on pats lap let him hug you your frozen. ' I crawled over to pat wrapping his arms around me.
Henry pulled bill onto his lap confusing him. Henry kissed uo his neck. When he had got to a certain point bill shivered. Henry sucked on that point.
'Pat truth or dare. ' I said
'Dare 'he replied hugging me tighter.
'Snog lou' henry said. He kept sucking the point on bills neck.
Pat turned me around and kissed me he licked my bottom lip asking for entry which I let him have. I pulled away after a minute and turned back around ' bill truth or dare. ' 'd-d-dare' he replied 'we are basically playing dares ' pat said.
'7 minutes in heaven with lou ' henry said.
'A-a-a-re you sure s-s-she your g-g-girlfriend ' bill said.
'Yeah go have fun ' henry giggled. Bill grabbed my hand and lead me to a room. 'A-a-a-re you okay with this' 'yeah I'm fine are you' bill nodded. I turned us around and pushed him into the wall and kissed his neck. He quickly turned us around for dominence. He kissed the bottom of my stomach all the way up to my lips. I licked his bottom lip for entrance. He pulled back and started making a hickey above my bra and on my neck. '3 mins left guys' pat said. I pushed him onto the bed and climbed on top of him and kissed him. This time he licked my bottom lip to which I opened my mouth a little. Hes hand reached down to my arse and squeezed it which made me moan. 'Bill' 'times up guys' henry said while barging in. I quickly rolled of him . And ran back into the front room . 'Guys I love you all bill pat and henry your all amazing kissers' I said
'Henry dare or dare. ' pat said 'hmmm hard desison. Dare. '
'Let pat give you a lap dance' I laughed. Me and bill grabbed some dollar bills and started to make it rain.
'O-o-omg ' bill laughed
I was crying with laughter watching pat trying to give henry a lap dance
'No no no this is how you do it ' I said while pushing pat.
Once I had finished giving henry a Lao dance pat started laughing so did bill. 'B-b-bro you h-h-h-ave a problem to s-s-sort out ' bill said while absolutely crying with laughter.
Henry ran to the bathroom to fix his little 'problem'.
'Lou dare or dare'
'Try to turn bill on. ' pat said.
'That's to easy ' henry shouted
'Bro shut the door ' I shouted ' and yeah this is gonna be easy'
I crawled over to bill and sat on his lap ' but if he makes turns you on first you have to down a bottle of vodka' henry said while walking in. 'But big bill if you do to much I'm gonna beat the shit out of you ' henry warned 'baby its only for fun' I giggled I kissed bills neck and placed my hand on his upper thigh. Bill pushed my back against the sofa and he kissed my neck. I looked at henry. Henry pulled Patrick us and put his hands on pats waist and pulled his hands up. I copied his actions. This didn't seem to effect bill. Patrick pushed henry slightly and put his hand on henrys lower thigh. 'H-h-hey g-g-guys your not aloud to h-h-help lou'. Bill laughed. I flipped bill over and started to grind on him. 'By the way lou turned on for you is moaning or anything like that ' pat said. 'Oh wow thanks '. Bill flipped us over again and started to grind on me. Pat kissed henrys hickey. Oh I kissed bills hickey. Bill reacted to react a bit by moving his head down. He once again grabbed my arse making me gasp again. 'Ahhh bill cracked you lou. ' pat laughed. But bill ran of to the toilet. 'Seems like we both lost you all good bill' 'yeah f-f-fine' bill shoutedSorry if this was too sexual for you this is my longest part yet. Sorry I didn't posy in like ages it was my birthday and I was really I'll
1829 words

Henry Bowers ~crush
FanfictionLou has had a crush on Henry for as long as she can remember even though he bully's her friend. Her friends know of this not so secret crush but support her any way. But when her parents go on a business trip and is left with Henry and his dad. Bu...