Once pat had lit the fire I grabbed blankets. 'So Lou what's your story' belch asked. 'Cos in middle school you were nerdy now your this' he said pointing to me 'well when a girl wants to impress a boy everything gets shorter but not hair.my hair is like my saftey barier. When things get to scary I can hide my face with it you see' I said ' but all in all I'm your average girl apart from the fact that I have two boyfriends. I'm in to the same things as girls' I explained. 'W-w-w-who were you t-t-trying to impress' bill asked. 'You and henry ' I muttered which made pat roll his eyes 'henry and bill' he shouted which made me shake my hair over my face. Henry put his hand under my hair and swept it out my face. 'What was the last song you listen to' I asked everyone 'toxic' henry laughed tightening his grip around me and Bill. 'On your own I meant ' I laughed. 'Oh believer imagine dragons ' henry said
'M-m-my immortals d-dont know w-w-who by' bill said
'Sexual' pat laughed.
'I write sins not tragedies ' vic said
Something ran around the fire and it dropped something. I got up to see what it was but when I picked the thing up I knew what it was straight away. 'G. Denbrough' I cried showing them georgies radio. Henry pulled bill into a hug ' baby its okay' henry whispered as Bill cried. Vic pulled me into a hug knowing that I had been close to Georgie. 'W-w-where did it c-c-come ' Bill asked I shrugged my shoulders. 'Com'on babies we are going to bed ' henry said lifting Bill up and carrying him to the tent. 'See you guys later ' I said waving at them. Tears still falling down my cheeks. Henry opened the tent up and let me in first then him and Bill in. 'Are you okay you two ' Henry said. Me and Bill nodded. I wiped Bills tears away and kissed his cheek. I leaned over bill to kiss henrys cheek. 'Night guys ' I said cuddling a said of Bill 'l-l-lou you don't have a-a-any pillows' bill said trying to give me one of his. 'You can be my pillow ' I said putting my head on his shoulder 'h-h-henrys f-f-fast asleep' bill laughed. 'Give me y-y-your makeup. ' bill said. I handed him my makeup bag and let him go to town on henrys face ' Henry you are a beautiful girl ' I laughed taking the makeup bag of Bill. I quickly kissed his lips ' oh you t-t-tease' Bill said laying me down. 'T-t-try not t-t-to m-m-m-moan I just herad the boys c-c-come in' bill whispered ad the attached his lips to the side of my neck. When I felt like I was going to moan I grabbed Bills hand 'y-y-you l-l-like it t-t-there' bill hummed. 'Yes Billy' I said biting my lip. He began to suck and bite on that spot. 'Fucking hell b' I moaned under my breath. He put his hand over my mouth. 'Shh' he whispered. Henry turned over onto his side. Which made me giggle. 'G-g-g-giggle again i-i-i dare y-y-you ' bill whispered. I giggled. 'O-o-oh no B-baby. ' bill whispered. He moved himself so he could grind on me. 'Any m-m-m-moaning and w-w-we stop okay' bill whispered I nodded. This was harder than I first imagined. When bill started to grind faster. The no noise thing went out the window 'bill' I moaned. He rolled of me 'no ' I said. He wrapped this arm around me 'n-n-night B-baby ' he said. 'Night ' I said pouting.Time skip to morning.
Henry'Hey babies ' I said shaking lou and bill awake. 'Noo sleep' lou said. 'Y-y-you l-l-look beautiful baby' bill said kissing my cheek lightly. 'Okay what did you do' I asked as I grabbed lous mirror ' I'm a beautiful girl' anyone who gets this reference I love you
I said. 'Yes you are. Morning babe' lou said kissing ne quickly 'l-l-leave it on' bill said kissing me. 'Fine only if you do some gymnastics, both of you' I said 'Fine ' lou said. Bill nodded. Lou unzipped our part of the tent and ran to the other side of the tent 'lou baby your have a bra and panties on get dressed first ' I laughed as I sat up. 'Hey baby I said to bill pulling him in for a hug 'h-h-h-hey h' he said climbing onto my lap. Lou grabbed some jeans and a top tbat zips up from the front and put them on then went to wake the boys up. 'Hello boys. ' she shouted undoing the zip and jumping in. 'Give me some cover' she shouted at Vic diving under the cover. 'What exactly did you and lou do last night in the car' I asked bill. 'Erm m-m-made o-o-out a b-b-bit ' bill said pulling his top of. 'Lou go we need to get changed like we are gonna get naked ' pat said. Lou screamed and grabbed the covers before running back to us. ' lou where did you get that hickey from ' I said. 'Bill gave it to me last night while you were asleep' she said. 'You mean you gave her a hickey while I was asleep. Right here' I laughed 'w-w-well i d-d-didnt just g-g-give her a h-h-hickey ' bill whispered. I pushed bill to lay down and started to grind on him 'you do this too. ' I asked 'eww Henry what the fuck if your gonna do that shut your part of the tent ' Vic shouted. Which made me laugh and pull lou and bill on my lap. 'Did you' I whispered. Bill nodded. 'You dirty fuckers ' I said tickling them both 'Henry stop' lou shrieked bill laughing his head of. 'C-c-can you pass me m-m-my shorts' bill said. I throw the shorts at him. 'We are going to go swimming ' pat shouted 'n-n-n-no need for t-t-these then ' bill said pulling the shorts off. 'C-c-can ' before bill finished his sentence I passed him some swimming trunks 'thanks' bill said kissing my lips. Lou walked in to grab her bikini. She put on the bikini me and Bill brought her. 'S-s-sexy' bill purred. 'Agreed ' I said . She put her dungeeres on and slipped her converse on 'ready h wanna do my hair' she said jumping on me. 'Yeah okay' I said doing her hair. I pulled her hair into a high ponytail and put a little braid in it. 'Wow babe' lou said kissing me.
'*cough* *cough* w-w-w-wheres mine' Bill said. 'Awe baby come here' lou said leaning over me to kiss him 'let's get in the car' pat said. we all climbed in the car. Bill on my lap lou driving Vic pat and belch in the back.

Henry Bowers ~crush
FanfictionLou has had a crush on Henry for as long as she can remember even though he bully's her friend. Her friends know of this not so secret crush but support her any way. But when her parents go on a business trip and is left with Henry and his dad. Bu...