Crush part 32

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We all walked into the restaurant henry asked for a table of 11. The lady directed us to the table. Vic went in then pat then Henry then lou and me. Belch Stan bev ben richie and Eddie were on the other side. 'You know if you told me three months ago I was going to dinner with bowers gang and I was dating Eddie and lou bill and henry were in a poly relationship. And vic and pat were in a relationship and belch and Stan too I would of thought they were fucking insane ' richie said putting his arm behind eddies chair. 'Beep beep richie' lou laughed. 'What's beep beep richie mean' vic asked. 'S-s-shut up b-b-but richie don't listen t-t-to shut up s-s-so its beep beep r-r-richie' I laughed 'hi my names Millie im your waitress for the night  can I take your drink orders please'
'C-c-cherry cola please' I said 'vanilla cola please ' lou asked
'Pepsi please' vic asked
'Same for me please' pat said
'Oh and me' Stan belch and henry said
'Can I have lemonade please' bev said 'what you want eds' richie said.
'Coke please'
'Can I have two cokes please
'Diet coke please' Ben said
'Okay that's one cherry coke one vanilla 5 pepsis 1 lemonade 2cokes and one diet coke anything else. '
'Can we have an extra glass please' lou asked I saw henry look at her with a confused look on his face 'okay it will be out soon' millie said
'Why another glass lou' henry said
'I will pour half my drink into it then bill pours half of his into mine then I pour the vanilla that was in the glass into his and boom we both have cherry vanilla coke' lou laughed
'S-s-she always does i-it' I laughed
'Okay then ' vic laughed. I rested my hand on her thigh.
'What does everyone want to save Millie was it the struggle' bev said
'C-c-chiken burger ' I said moving my hand up lous dress.
'Oh I want that' lou said
'Same for me please Beverly ' henry said B
'Please call me bev your lous boyfriend ' bev laughed
'H-h-hey what about m-m-me' I laughed
'And you bill' bev said looking at lou. 'Bev can I have a pizza to share with vic' pat said. I ran my thumb up lous thigh. 'Belch Stan Eddie richie and Ben what are you having ' bev said writing their meals down
'Here are you drinks one cherry coke one vanilla 5 pepsis 1 lemonade 2cokes and one diet coke' Millie said passing the drinks out 'oh and an extra glass do you know what your eating ' millie said. 'Here we wrote them down for you ' bev said passing the paper over. 'Thank you since its such a big order it will be at least half an hour is that okay, '
'Yeah that's okay' lou said smiling. 'So what's everyone been up too lately ' richie said drawing circles with his fingers on eddies shoulder. 'I wanna know how selch became a thing 'lou giggled. I let my finger run over her panty 'bev I need to powder my nose are you coming 'lou said ah that cheeky fucker. I chuckled.
'Yeah let me just grab my bag 'bev said reaching for her bag. Lou slid across me. 'Be back soon babe' lou said kissing my cheek. Henry slid over to me 'did you get far' he whispered in my ear
'Y-y-yeah sorta I r-r-ran my fingers over h-h-her pantys a-a-and she r-r-recuted to the bathroom ' I whispered in henrys ear
'I'll put my arm around her okay baby' he whispered kissing my lips. 'Yeah I'm never gonna get used to th' richie got cut of by Eddie turning richies head and kissing his lips. 'Beep fucking beep' eddie laughed.
The girls came back 'do i get to sit next to vic' lou laughed sitting on vics lap. 'No come here baby so if you don't know lou and vic have a weird friendship they are often hugging or dancing together ' henry laughed. Lou sat down next to me and henry put his arm around her like he said he would. I put my hand back to where it was. ' how did selch get together' vic asked I pulled lous thong up a bit so I could fit my finger under it. 'Well when Lou said we needed to go since you were coming back to the tent belch asked me to come back to his and for some  reason and I agreed' Stan said. I slipped a finger in lou. 'Bill did you mix these' lou said. I nodded 'thanks ' lou said taking a sip. Henry looked down at lous lap and smiled. I started to curl the finger that was in her and she grabbed my shirt. 'Then I took him back to mine I was fucking nervous cos I really liked Stan hense why when we "bullied " you I wouldn't touch him. I asked him out. '
'Awe t-t-thats so sweet' I said. I started to thrust the finger in and out of lou 'you so fucking precious when you smile' lou hummed 'I just had to let you know your mine' Henry smiled. 'Eddie can we be cute pleeeeeaaaaasssseee' richie whined
'Put your hand up if your partner whines' pat said.Everyone put their hand up exept from bev and Ben 'bill' lou muttered squeezing henrys hand. 'Lou your gonna have to speak up hun your mate richie can't hear you' richie laughed. 'Beep beep' lou said. 'Heres your food. ' Millie said handing out the food. I pushed my finger in once more and then took it out 'fuck' lou moaned under her breath. 'I-im just going t-t-toilet' I said. 'Me too ' henry said sliding over lou. When we got into the toilet. 'We need to go to the movies after. ' henry said while I washed my hands. 'S-s-she was r-r-really wet' I laughed 'we need to swap I will do it ' Henry said as he kissed my lips. And walked back out. As we got to the table I saw lou struggling to cut her burger in half. I took the knife of her and cut the burger. I did the same to mine 'thsnsk babe' lou said kissing my lips. 'No p-p-p-problem how about w-w-we go watch a scary movie after' I said before biting my chicken burger. 'Only if I can sit on one of your laps when it gets to scary' lou laughed but being dead serious. I nodded. 'Everyone in' henry said they all nodded

Time skip to movie theater.
'11 tickets to paranormal activity 3 please ' pat asked.
We all went to the screen and sat down. Ben belch Stan henry me lou bev eddie richie vic and pat. When the movie was twenty minuets in lou bev Stan Eddie and vic were on the floor 'too scary' lou said. Belch pulled Stan onto his lap giving him his bomber jacket. Richie took his shirt of so eddie could put it over his eyes if it got to scary. Pat gave vic the bandana that was in his pocket. Ben threw bev his coat and lou crawled on to my lap. I held her in my arms tightly. Half way through the movie I saw tears fall down her cheek so I turned her so she was facing me 'I l-l-love you ' I said. 'I love you too' I looked over to see eddie in richies arms. Stan in belches and vic in pats. 'Come on guys let's go' henry said standing up. 'Pat that movie was too scary ' vic said on the verge of crying. 'I'm sorry the other two weren't like that I'm sorry everyone ' pat said. 'You know I don't like (insert what ever fear is covered in paranormal activity 3)

We all walked back to henrys and went to his room. I carried lou all the way home since she had fallen asleep while on my lap.

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