Lou has had a crush on Henry for as long as she can remember even though he bully's her friend. Her friends know of this not so secret crush but support her any way. But when her parents go on a business trip and is left with Henry and his dad. Bu...
Lou I slowly walked into my house after what just happened 'hey mom, hey dad' I had a pretty normal family my dad was a police officer and mum worked in a shop in town ' hey Lou I have laid out an outfit for you on your bed we are going to your fathers bosses house tonight' my mom is pretty cool in what I wear she never really cared how slutty it was. 'Oh okay' I said while running upstairs
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'Mom this outfit is so cute' 'yeah i know just come down when you want me to do your hair'. I put my clothes on and walked down stairs. 'Oh my baby girls growing up ' my mom cried. I smirked at her
Henry 'Henry come here now' I quickly ran to my dad. ' clear this place up we have guests in halve an hour mr and mrs Gem and their daughter Louise oh and put some nice clothes on we actually want to have friends' I smiled and started to clean up. Im gonna mess with Lou.
Lou. As soon as we pulled up to the house my father said' there's going to be a boy here he seems a nice boy you can go talk to him okay Louise' my mom slapped his arm playfully.' oh Daryl call her Lou and don't be do controlling' my mum and dad walked up to the door and knocked. A man who I recognized from somewhere answered and let us in ' hi there Louise my sons in his room upstairs if you wanna go up there' I nodded and made my way up. There was a door which was ajar I knocked 'hello boy I don't know the name of but been sent up here anyway to bond with' the door was pushed open to see a pair of grey shorts.
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'Hey Lou' I looked up to come face to face with Henry Bowers. 'Oh so I have to "bond" with you ' I said ' yeah you do please come in' I walked in and then just stood there ' Lou Lou please sit ' Henry said while smirking ' don't call me that. And why did you kiss me on the cheek earlier' ' you didn't push me off ' he replied 'uhhhh' I moaned while falling back on his bed ' wow moaning already ' he said while laying next to me. ' guys dinner will be about an hour ' Henry's dad yelled up. 'What you wanna do ' Henry said. 'I dont mind' 'Let's play truth or dare' 'You know what yeah' I said while sitting up. 'Truth or dare Bowers' ' truth' 'Why do you bully me Bill Richie Eddie and Stan?' 'I don't bully you do I. I've never touched you well I've never said anything to you' 'True true' 'Truth or dare Louise' 'That's even worse than Lou Lou and truth' i replied 'Hmm have you ever kissed a boy' Henry said 'No but only one boys kissed me on the cheek ' I replied clearly unimpessed. 'Oh my god really' Henry laughed ' truth or dare' I said 'Truth' he said. 'Hah pussy Vic Belch or patrick.' 'Vic. Truth or dare'he answered 'Dare' I replied confidently 'Hmm kiss me'he replied 'Holy mother of Jesus what did I do wrong this time I will go to church wait is there even a church in derry' Before I could say anything else Henry picked me up and put me on the bed and jumped on top of me. 'Hi' I said nervously 'hello, right I'm going to kiss you okay. '' wait wh' but before I could answer I felt Henrys lips on mine . He was a really good kisser. But it shortly ended. 'Guys dinner' henrys dad shouted. 'Right so you have stolen my first kiss on the cheek and on the lips what next my virginity' 'Your 16 and you haven't been kissed well not anymore. Your a goos kisser by the way' 'Can I leave my bag here' I said but Henry couldn't hear me as he was already down stairs. As I got to the dining room I saw there was one space left. Next to Henry. I sat down. 'So Louise what year are you in ' 'Same as Henry' I smiled 'That cool' Oscar said. 'Yeah I suppose it is' I replied 'this is really nice Oscar' my mum said. I felt something touch my thigh. I look down to see Henry's hand itching higher. I coughed to hide the fact I was going bright red. I felt his pinky moving over my womenhood . 'So Lou I can calm you that right ' Henry 'Its better than Lou Lou ' I said biting my lip. 'What are you planning to do this summer ' 'I'm saving up to buy myself a camera because I want to be a photographer 'I said while tugging on the hem of his shirt. 'Are you okay Louise' Oscar said 'Yeah its just quite hot in hear. Can I quickly step out side ' ' yeah Henry go with her will you son' Henry nodded 'They seem like they are going to be good friends ' my mom said as we walked off. 'Seriously Henry don't you think that's a bit to far' 'No I don't ' he said while laughing 'I hope your shirt got ripped" I said. He quickly looked down at his shirt 'nope it's fine you ready to go back in ' 'damn thought I ripped it and yeah'i walked in and sat back down. 'Sorry about that ' I said . 'lou do you wanna drink ' Henry said 'Yes please' 'Lemonade is that okay' I nodded. 'I'll go get dessert ' Oscar said. 'Oh we will help' my mom and dad said.
When they walked out Henry kissed me on the cheek and put his hand back where it was before we left to go out side 'you are really pretty you know that right' I smiled ' thank-k-k-kss' 'aww baby why you stuttering' he laughted I looked at him shocked that the had called me baby 'I won't sp-peak because I can't when y-y-your doing what your doing. 'He smirked that damn smirk 'Wait till we have had pudding then you can moan, but until then no moaning or anything okay' he said softly. ' o-o-okay' our parents walked in and smiled at us
' that was really nice Oscar thank you ' I said while gripping the bottom of my shirt. ' we are gonna leave the grown ups to talk okay we will be upstairs. '. Henry said while walking upstairs me following gafter him 'Henry that seriously wasn't funny' 'I thought so But then I know you liked it because I know about your little crush on me Eddie talks a little to loud ' I knew I was turning bright red. He locked the door. 'W-w-what are you doing' 'why are you stuttering I'm not touching you yet ' I tilted my head in confusion. 'Look out the window there's a storm my dad will definatley not let you drive home like that 3-2-1' ' Henry get extra blankets out so Lou can sleep on your floor there's no way I'm letting them drive in this weather '. My jaw dropped open. ' How? ' 'Okay dad good night' 'Good night. Night Louise' 'Good night'. 'Oh baby the nights far from over yet' Henry whispered. My breathing hitched a lot 'No I'm not going to take your virginity tonight we are just doing to try something's okay. ' 'o-o-okay' 'baby there's no Need to stutter' he walked over to me and kissed my lips lightly. His hands found his way to under my arse and whispered 'jump'. My legs were around his waist when he lowered me onto the bed. He kissed me more passionately. It was a nice kiss. My hands found their way down to the hem if his shirt and pulled it of despite the buttons. I stared at his abs 'like what you see' 'yeah. I know what you would like to see' I said while pulling my top of. 'Lou baby are you okay I just wondered because we are staying here tonight okay love you good night ' 'love you to mom' 'Henry pulled me into a hug in which I rolled on top of him. ' not tonight maybe tommorow goodnight Henry ' 'wait can I ask you a question first' he replied I simply nodded ' will you go out with me' ' yes Henry I will be your girlfriend, have you got a top I can borrow ' I said while Henry laughed and through at top at me ' don't look' I said while changing 'really baby you are perfect I can't help but look at you. ' I jumped back on the bed and under the covers before Henry could. He walked towards the bed and lifted me and the duvet up bad layer down with me and the duvet ' night baby' ' good night babe' 'awe my first nick name ' he said ' sleep now please ' I pleaded tiredly