Lou has had a crush on Henry for as long as she can remember even though he bully's her friend. Her friends know of this not so secret crush but support her any way. But when her parents go on a business trip and is left with Henry and his dad. Bu...
Henry 'Hey baby can we go to pats birthday meal he's asked if you can come to ' I said to Lou 'Yeah okay'she smiled that damn smile the one that made me fall for her. 'Let's play a game let's pick each others outfits.' I said 'I'm down' She was craving salt and vinegar crisps that's why she went to the shop. 'I found your outfit' 'Same leave it in there I will get dressed in there' I said.
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'I didn't know I owened this jacket' I said to myself. 'Are you done. ' 'No close your eyes I news to do my hair and make up I will direct you to the bedroom'she said. I closed my eyes and felt Lous hands in mine 'this way'. Lou pushed me down on to the bed. 'Can I have a kiss' I asked ' hmm maybe. ' she replied I felt her lips on my cheek . But it was over quickly . 'Baby hurry up we are gonna be late ' 'okay I'm ready'. She walked out of the bathroom with her hair in a high pony with a bow in. Her make up was perfect. She was perfect.
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She walked up to me and pushed my chin up ' don't want you catching flies now.' 'Dad me and lou aee going to pats birthday meal.' I shouted.
Time skip to pats birthday meal 'hey boys ' I said 'happy birthday bud' 'Thanks man lou you looking smoking' pat said. 'Even though its your birthday she is still mine' I said which made her laugh. 'Come on Lou sit down' I said. 'Happy birthday pat' she said while sitting down.
Time skip an hour. 'I'm gonna go to the toilet '.Lou said. When I made sure Lou couldn't hear me I said. "I'm gonna tease her to see how she reacts. I've don't this before and she almost ripped my top' pat, vic and belch was laughing. 'If you want it would be funny to see lou flustered' 'Hey' Lou said. I kissed her cheek. 'What do you wanna do after we graduate' pat asked. I placed my hand on the thigh 'I want to become a photographer' lou replied . while she spoke I put my hand under her skirt. Which she quickly pulled down. 'What about you pat' she asked. I slipped my hand under her skirt again she left it there this time. 'Not now 'she whispered in my ear. I pushed my hand up further. She grabbed my shirt. 'Vic can you me and Lou a drink' pat said. 'Yeah Lou what do you want' vic said. They were playing with Lou. 'Cherry cola please' I ran my finger over her panties. This caused her to gasp. 'Henry can I borrow your jacket its quite cold. ' she pulled that one of well. 'Here have mine it's thicker' pat said. I mouthed thanks at him. 'Can I just grab my bag ' lou said while leaning over me. But when she leant down she kissed my dick. 'Fuck' I whispered. 'What was that babe' Lou said confidently. I slipped my hand under her panties. 'Fuck I'm sorry Henry not here please' she whispered in my ear. I slipped my finger in her 'Heres your drink loulou' vic said 'T-t-thanks j-j-just call me Lou' she replied. 'Thanks bud ' pat laugh. I started to thrust my finger. 'Henry stop p-p-please when we get home' she whispered in my ear I pulled my finger out. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. Lou put her hand over my crotch 'what are we doing after this' pat said. 'Back to yours'i said while lou undid my flies. 'Stop or I throw you in pats pool. ' she quickly moved her hand 'com'on boys'vic said 'I gotta go home' belch said everyone said goodbye. 'First one to the top of the street wins ' I shouted 'unless u want me breaking my neck km taking my shoes of ' lou laughed. Lou took her shoes off '3-2-1' vic shouted while me lou and pat ran up the road. 'Haha I win I want a kiss' I said 'oh come here then ' pat said ' back of he's my man ' lou said. I smashed my lipa on hers