Crush part 13

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'What' lou said
'You heard me' henry said.
'H-h-how d-d-does that e-e-even w-w-work'i questioned., ' I'm not sure but we will figure it out' Henry said.

Time skip to Henrys and Lous

'What are we doing today' henry said.
'I've p-p-planned a d-d-date' I said 'so g-g-g-get into s-s-something nice' lou looked at henry and henry looked at lou and nodded. They ran up to me and rugby tackeled me on to the bed and sprinkled me in kisses. 'Thank you babe' lou said. 'Thanks Baby  ' henry said. 'I-i-i-its okay. ' I said smiling. Meet me at t-t-the l-l-library at 4' I said while leaving. 'Baby come here' henry said. I slowly walked over to him. He pulled me into a hug I kissed his cheek. 'B-b-b-bye guys ' 'bye babe ' lou said as she went to kiss me. 
This was the happyest I've been in months.

Once I got a couple of outfits I got my hair brush and a bit of makeup  'im going to reddies to get ready so you can't see bye' I said. He kissed me lightly. 'Bills gonna sleep here tonight is that okay' 'yeah babe remember 4 at library' 'yeah yeah go'he said as he slapped my arse.'Oi cheeky do you need help I can get pat if you want ' 'if you want' henry said 'bye love you' 'love you too,' as I walked out the door I ran into vic. ' can you go help him we've got a date thanks bye' I said while running.

Time skip to richies house.
'I need help boys I have a da' richie cut me of 'you have a date with bill and henry and got 3 outfits and have no Idea what to do with your hair so you came here plus you don't  want henry to see you' 'yeah how did you know' 'bills been here asking for help but we sent him to Stan since we figured you would need help. 'Eddie said 'thank you guys' richie pushed me onto his bathroom 'work you magic'
Once I done my hair like I wanted. I put on a purple dress and went to the boys
'No like the hair but not the dress'
I walked back in to put a yellow dress on 'your not wearing yellow lou' I heared eddie shout. Yellow was my favorite color. So I pulled out the last dress which was a black one 'last one ' I said as I walked out. 'Our babies all grownup ' reddie sreaked. 'So I'm taking this is the dress' I giggled I put my make up on and walked yo the boys. 'Lou what time is your date' '4 why' I asked. 'Its 3:40' richie said. 'Shit can I leave this here eddie grab my heels. '
I said while running down the stairs. Once we were down I took my heels of eddie and waved them good bye.

'Vic why is picking clothes for a date to hard. Also I need to tell you something '
'Oh okay and wear this and this. ' vic said pulling out black jeans and a white top. 'Go outside I'm gonna get dressed',  I said pushing vic out my room.  'Alright you can come in now. ' 'if I was gay I would totaly smash you. ' 'okay but what I need to talk about is than I'm poly which means if I'm dating someone and they like someone else they can be included in the relationship if the person im with is okay with it '
'Oh okay, so who is it lou and which other girl'
'Bill denbrough' I said
'Stuttering bill are you serious' vic said.
'Yeah I am we were at pats the other night we were drunk and lou said she loved us both so yeah I'm dating him and lou if you have a problem you can go because he is a really nice boy',
'No I don't have a problem with it it was just so unexpected' vic said.
'Bro its 3:30 it will take you 10 minutes to get there '
'Its fine I can sort my hair out ' I said trying to fix my hair. 'You need to go you have been doing your hair for 20 mins go go'vic said pulling me up and out the door. 'Bye vic' I shouted as he walked the other way 'bye'

So richie and eddie kicked me out so ofvto stans.'s-s-stan can y-y-you help m-m-m-me I have a d-d-date with L and H P-please '. 'Yeah come in Bill ' 't-t-thanks, '
We walked up to stans bedroom 'have you got clothes' he said as I put 2 shorts and 3 tops on the bed.
'This and this try this one'
He said as he handed me a blue shirt and black shorts
I walked into the bathroom and put then on. 'I d-d-dont know' I said walking out. 'No this' he said handing me a plain white shirt and black shirts with a design on it
I changed into them and smiled this was the outfit. 'Yes boy that's the outfit '
'Yeah i-i h-h-have to go b-b-bye' I said giving Stan a hug

Time skip to the libary
I was the first one there. I saw henry walking towards me with a big smile on his face 'hay baby you look good like really good' 'thanks h-h-henry' 'cough cough' lou said from behind us as we turned around our jaws dropped she looked stunning.

Bills outfit

Henrys outfit

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Henrys outfit

Lous outfit and hair

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Lous outfit and hair

Lous outfit and hair

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The date will be next chapter

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The date will be next chapter

Henry Bowers ~crushWhere stories live. Discover now