'No the joke was what do you call a dear with out any eyes... No idea. ' I said making the boys laugh. 'You fucker. ' I whispered into bills ear nibling the top of his ear. I moved my hand again which made him arch his back. 'Vic come here I'm cold' lou said holding her arms out for vic. 'Is this okay henry' vic said 'yea its only hugging ' I laughed. I started to move my hand faster. 'H-h-henry I'm gonna ' bill whispered in my ear. 'No don't paybacks a bitch denbrough' 'fuck y-y-you b-b-bowers ' bill laughed. I laid my head on his lap. ' I'm coming over their ' lou said walking over to the bed 'you too are fuckers ' she laughed jumping on the bed cuddeling up to me 'I'll be back' I said walking out the room 'dad ' I said 'I need to talk to you'
'What's wrong son' he said
'Well I'm polysexual which means if I'm dating someone and they like someone else they can be included in the relationship if the person im with is okay with it and I'm with lou and bill. Dad I love them so much' I said while crying 'oh son I already knew' dad said as he hugged me 'how ' 'lou baby I'm coming bill babe. I love you. all the love bites you lou and bill have. Does bills parents know' 'no I don't think they do ' I said wiping the tears. 'Okay you will need to talk them and lou can stay in your room cos I trust you' dad said ' I love you dad' I said before knowing what I said. 'I love you too son what made you tell me what happen to Lous parents.' He questioned 'yes dad I don't want to lose you' 'I don't want to lose you either now go have fun with your girlfried ' he laughed ' and my boyfriend ' I said back. 'sorry I'm back again' I said shutting the door. J smiled at lou asleep on bills lap with a half eaten pizza in her hand ' bill I need to talk to you let's just put lou to bed ' I said lifting her up. Bill walked over to her pjama draw and pulled out some shorts and a top. I put them on her and laid her down 'night baby are all of you staying here tonight my dad won't mind' they all nodded. ' bill' I said taking his hand in mine ' I told my dad about all of us and he doesn't mind if anything he supports us I love you' I said
'I love you too' bill said without stuttering. I leaned into kiss him and he leaned in to. We kissed so passionatly.
'Guys I told my dad about bill and Lou and he supports us but we need to tell Bills parents ' I said getting into bed with lou. Bill climbed ontop of me. 'Night guys ' I said to the boys ' night henry night bill' vic pat and belch said. 'N-n-night' bill whispered.Time skip to morning
'We are going shopping today I whispered to henry ' yeah okay only if they can come too ' henry said pointing to pat vic and belch ' oh my god then we can go for a meal tonight with them and we can go camping yes yes yes ' I shouted. 'Lou keep it down' vic said ' no come on we are going shopping to buy outfits for tonight and the rest of the week we are going camping ' ' yes yes yes' pat said ' I have a tent we can share ' vic said ' yes get up get dressed let's go lets go' I said pulling them all up. When I went to pull pat up he thought I was gonna help him uo so he pulled. I fell and landed ontop of him ' hey hey hey shes ours ' henry laughed
I grabbed a the dress henry brought me and went into the bathroom
' come on ahh' I said as I walked in to see multiple semi naked boys. I quickly closed my eyes.longer part next time

Henry Bowers ~crush
FanfictionLou has had a crush on Henry for as long as she can remember even though he bully's her friend. Her friends know of this not so secret crush but support her any way. But when her parents go on a business trip and is left with Henry and his dad. Bu...