I took my dungeeres of and my converse 'what never seen a girl in a bikini before' I joked. 'Yeah of corse I have ' pat said
' you look amazing baby' Henry said putting his arms around me 'come on b ' I said opening my arms. Bill ran over to us throwing his arms around us. 'I love you babies ' Henry said. ' we l-l-love you too' bill said. 'Since my family are away you lot are my family ' I said beconing them all in for a group hug. 'First one in wins' Henry shouted. I ran to the edge of the cliff and jumped. I look up to see Henry flinging him self of the cliff. I hit the water and resurfaced. I got splashed by Henry hitting the surface. 'Come on bill' pat said picking bill up and jumping of the edge. 'F-f-fuck you' bill screamed. Then vuc and Belch. Henry swum under me and lifted me knife to his shoulders. Pat did the same to bill. And belch did the same to Vic. 'Go' Henry shouted 'baby I want a kiss' I said to bill. I leaned in and he did too after we kissed I pushed him into the water. 'H-h-h-hey no fair' bill laughed 'that's not gonna work for me' Vic said pushing my sholder 'damn thought it would joking just joking' I said pushing him back. 'Lou what's that over there' Vic said 'I'm not gonna fall for that what do you take me for'i laughed pushing his hands away from me. I gave him one final push and he fell off. 'We won ' I said falling back of Henry. 'O-o-oi lou ' bill said pulling me in for a kiss. 'Awe does henwy want a kwis ' I said in my baby voice while trying to walk over to him to kiss him. Little do j know that under me bill is swimming to Henry. When bill popped up in ground of Henry and kissed his lips. 'Y-y-you snoze y-y-you lose' he laughed 'shall we go get lunch ' belch said. Everyone nodded.Time skip to car
I laid down a towel and laid on it. 'damn Henry and Bill you got a fittie' pat said getting death stares of bill and Henry. 'Ohh I have an idea belch don't you carry them pills around everywhere dont you' I said. Belch nodded. 'You Vic and pat' I laughed they all nodded. 'Pick your person' I said putting my dungeeres on 'bill' pat said 'Henry ' belch said 'that means your stuck with me victor' I laughed 'eww you left me with Louise' he said as I slapped his shoulder. Belch gave out the pills and sat in a circle. 'Touch my babies and you die' Henry warned. 'Alright go' I said as they swallowed the pills. 'Pat you have never had these have you' Henry laughed.
An Angle with a shot gun came on ' oh turn this up' Vic said. I pulled bill up and started dancing with him 'come on dance you lot' I laughed. Soon everyone was on their feet 'I'm an angle with a shot gun fighting till the wars done' we all screamed. When The song had finish we all sat back down except me and Bill who were dancing to no music 'h-h-handstand compitision' bill said. We both got into handstands and started to count. Henry walked over to bill and kissed his stomach 'h-h-henrys not helping' bill laughed. I got back down from my handstand and sat in front of Vic 'feeling anything yet' I asked. He nodded 'Henry get your arse over here ' belch said. Henry laughed walking over to belch. 'Y-y-you okay pat ' bill asked. Pat shook his head and reached out for bill. 'Its just a hug' pat said to Henry as he wrapped his arms around bill. I did a few kartwheels and handstands before I went back to Vic. 'You okay' I asked tilting my head to the side. 'Yeah dandy' Vic said. Belch was hugging Henry like his life depended on it. Which made me giggle 'don't so that 'pat Vic and belch said. 'Come here lou' Vic said pulling my arm. 'Okay okay' I said as I was pulled into a hug 'you okay there ' I asked Henry who was going red 'yeah belch can't breath ' he said 'shit sorry Henry 'Time skip an hour.
Vic went to grab my hand then looked at Henry and bill. 'V-v-vic if y-you need to d-do it. P-p-pat needed t-t-to ages ago' bill said raising his hand that was entertained with pats. Vic quickly grabbed my hand sticking his tongue out at Henry.
' can I braid your hair later ' I asked Vic and pat. 'Yeah ' they both say. 'I need a dollar dollar is what I need ' Henry yelled making me giggle 'lou' the boys shouted at me 'we need to get back tk the tent ' Henry laughed ' do you recon you can sit with each other. ' I said '5 m-m-mins max' bill said. They all groaned.Time skip to tent
'You have been going for 1:30 ' Henry explained. Vic grabbed my hand again as soon as I sat down. So did pat to bill and belch to Henry. 'Bill' I said puckering my lips. We both leaned in and kissed. 'Hey that's not fair ' Henry said ' sorry baby ' I laughed as I kissed him. Vic tightened his grip on my hand 'you okay there' I laughed. 'Yeah fine ' he muttered. Pat wrapped his arm around bills waist. 'Hey hey hey that's not happening 'again if you get the reference I love you
'Please Henry ' pat begged
'Fine but only there no where else or I will get lou to beat your arse okay' he said.
Vic snaked his arm around my waist. Bill pulled a weird face which made me giggle and himself giggle 'your making this very difficult you too ' Vic said biting his lip. 'I'm a genie in a bottle baby you gotta love me the right way' I shouted making Vic jump. 'Pg version' belch blurted out. 'Work work work work' Henry said. 'Baby baby baby ohhh ohh my body saying let's go but my heart is saying no if you wanna be with me baby theres a price to pay I'm a genie in a bottle gotta rub me the right way if you wanna be with me I can make your wish come true gotta make a good impression gotta like what you do baby' I sung. 'Yes baby ' Henry screamed blowing a kiss at me. 'I'm sexy and I know it' pat said. 'Keep telling your self that ' I laughed. 'C-c-cos you are b-b-beautiful in every s-s-single way ' bill screamed
'With this pain in my chest I still wish you the best although fuck you' belch sung 'oh shit she's a good digger just thought you should know ' Vic screamed 'Henry don't get mad ' pat said as he kissed bills cheek. 'Nah its cool just no lips' I warned 'cos I will come over there and kick your arse'
'Fine fine ' pat said. I looked over at Henry who was laughing at belch. I felt a pair of lips on my neck. 'Oi victor no ' Henry shouted at Vic making him jump.. Again.
Pat blew a kiss at Henry. 'What the fuck pat' Henry laughed. But blew one back. 'Yeah this group isn't normal' I laughed. Tell me you love me came on the radio. Pat stood up and pulled bill up to dance. Vic copied his actions. Henry pulled belch up 'oh tell me you love me I need someone on days like this I do on days like this' I sung ' I l-l-love you lou' bill said slowdancing with pat 'I love you too love you Henry' I said. 'Love you too and I love you bill' Henry said as he slow danced with belch. I gotta say it was a weird sight 'I l-l-love you too h-h-henry' bill said. All thst went through my head was ellie gouldings song how long will I love you. I will love them forever. 'Never leave me please' I said to them 'we weren't p-p-planning on it ' bill said sitting back down with pat. Vic pulled me onto his lap. Henry sat on the ground leaning back onto belch. 'I can't do this anymore ' Vic said pulling pat to his feet to kiss him. It was quiet a height difference but it was sweet. Pat wrapped his arms around Vic and lead him to the tent 'omg their gonna fuck ' I laughed 'I sleep in there' belch said. 'Sleep with the bags ' Henry said. 'Night guys. ' I said yawning and reaching up time Henry to pick me up. Henry picked me up then grabbed onto bills hand and lead us to the tent into our bit of the tent 'd-d-dont be t-t-too loud guys ' bill shouted at pat and Vic. I pulled henrys jumper over my head and bills sweats over my arse and got into bed 'I swear she inky wears our clothes ' Henry said lying next to me pulling bill onto his chest. 'Fuck pat ' Vic moaned. 'In gonna moan really loud ' I whispered to bill and henry. 'Faster ' I moaned 'your at it too' belch complained 'no just taking the piss '. Henry laughed
'Jesus pat' Vic moaned again 'ewwwww' I shouted

Henry Bowers ~crush
FanficLou has had a crush on Henry for as long as she can remember even though he bully's her friend. Her friends know of this not so secret crush but support her any way. But when her parents go on a business trip and is left with Henry and his dad. Bu...