Part 25- Telling Not Showing

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15He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15

Recently at church the congregation was blessed with the message from a new speaker. As a guest he gave a very dynamic and engaging sermon. One of the things that stood out to me was the idea of being involved in the world. In Mark, Jesus spoke to his disciples telling them to go into all the world and preach the gospel. Jesus did not say to demonstrate the gospel or play out the gospel, he said to preach. In other words, tell the world about his good news. 

At first I was a little taken back by this statement. I had always had the impression that we as Christians were supposed to be an example to others and show Jesus through our actions. In a way that is true. But as I listened closely I realized there was a greater aspect to this. 

People are always going to see you as a well-mannered, polite, and an excelled individual if you act according to your beliefs. But in a sense, they will not always understand your "showing" of Jesus. 

I go to a public high school, and there I constantly come across situations in which I have to act differently than others. As a Christian, I know what is right and wrong. For example, a few days ago one of my friends made a joke about drugs. At first I kind of giggled and played along to her humor, but as I listened I realized she was truly considering taking drugs. For fun she told me. I looked at her strangely and realized I had to change my grin into a serious composure. I explained to her that this was something not worth doing. In the end, I made her promise to never partake in such a dangerous activity. 

Instead of showing her my disapproval and not laughing at her joke, I took a more direct approach and specifically spoke to her about it. I now realize that this is how the wonderful story of the gospel should be shared. We need to be witnesses for Christ. That phrase is used often. Witnesses get up on the stand in court and talk about what they have seen/experienced. So should we as Christian witnesses speak to others about Jesus. We as Christians need to take the stand for what we believe in and tell others about Jesus' magnificent story. God will work on people's hearts, we just need to let them know that there is someone out there who is willing to make their lives a living dream.

Dearest Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your word, and the constant reminder that we, your people, are here on this Earth to make nonbelievers aware of your love and grace. We need to voice our cause and preach to others about You. You will do the rest. You will convert their hearts to you. Our privilege is to tell others of a better life and a loving Father in heaven.  Thank you that I got to receive this glorious message from the preacher and thank you that I can share it with people online. I am going to TELL everyone about your glory. 


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