Confession [Part 1]

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a/n: the title is 'confession' because the scenarios are different for each character. it's all based on my intuition whether he or you are the one who confesses. i wanted to write more but my eyes are just about to close now. i'm suuuuper sleepyyyy. also, i know that a few lines are cheesy but trust me i'm really not that good at cheesy scenes—i find them cringe-y.

btw i just had my advancement yesterday yay! also, i had my very last picture with my crush for 4 years heheh. and nope, we never became together. don't ask me why because i also don't know why ahaha. (he knows i like him).



"I like you, idiot

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"I like you, idiot."

Midoriya slowly looked up and his eyes couldn't believe what he's seeing nor his ears didn't believe what it just heard.

You like him.

It was plain yet it makes his heart thump. Was it true? Was it all just a joke? But you're not that kind of person. Maybe it's true.

You, on the other hand, blushed as you hesitatingly looked at him.

"I'm talking to you, dumbass. You better answer me or else..." you threatened, already embarrassed of yourself. You didn't know what came to you. It just did.

And it certainly did in a bad timing.

"U-U-Uhm..." he sputtered. "I-I d-d-don't know w-what to say..."

Your glare intensified and chills sent down to his spines. You averted your eyes on the side and refused to make eye contact.

"Then don't say anything..." was what you muttered. You wanted to just run away or let the ground devour you but noooo your feet was stuck for some reason. It was like there were binds that held you in place—even though there was really none.

Midoriya gulped and tried hard to think straight yet he couldn't. He likes you too but he couldn't voice it out for some reason. He'd imagined if this situation plays out but he didn't knew it would come true.

"I-I..." he stammered. Should he tell that he likes you too? Should he also confess?

You bit your lip and looked away. This is it. The rejection. Just the thought of it is saddening enough.

"I-I-I l-like you too, (y/n)-san"




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