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''Come on, Clarke.''

Bellamy begs, speaking more to himself than to whoever is listening. He knows Clarke is capable of doing this and coming back in time, he knows she can do anything, he has hope in her. He knows he can wait a few more minutes for her. He knows he isn't going to let her die, he isn't going to leave her behind.


Raven appears from inside of the rocket, warning him that they don't have much time left.

''I know, Raven.''

Bellamy knows that he can't leave Clarke behind as much as he knows that if he waits any longer, they could all possibly die in vain.

''The radiation's already affecting the avionics. It's now or never.''

Raven warns him one more time.

Bellamy remembers the talk he had with Clarke earlier. She told him to listen to his head more often, to not make choices with his heart all the time. He looked Raven in the eyes, that dark brown eyes begging for him to leave so they could all survive.

He knew he had to make a choice. The only choice, though, was leaving with Raven and the others... as his head kept repeating and repeating.

Bellamy was ready to enter the rocket and leave everything behind.

''Bellamy? Bellamy we really don't have time-''

''Emori?'' Bellamy calls, completely ignoring Raven.

''Bellamy? What's wrong? Where's Clarke?''

''Emori, earlier Clarke told me about a nightblood serum that Abby was testing and...''

''Are you crazy?'' Emori screams. ''No way, you-''

''Guys, there's no time for chit-chat!''

''Raven, just, wait-'' Bellamy inhales. ''Emori, where is the serum?''

''Bellamy it won't work. We really don't have time, Raven's right-''

''Emori,'' Bellamy begs.

''It's upstairs. I don't know if this works, it would be crazy to use it.''

''We literally wasted four minutes. We're doing to die!'' Raven exclaims, laughing nervously. ''We're going to die.''

Bellamy breathed one last time before making the decision his heart was desiring.

''I will become a nightblood and I will stay until Clarke comes. You all will, however, go to space and stay there until it's safe to come down again.''

Murphy, Monty, Harper and Echo come out og the rocket, protesting against his words.

''I'm not listening to any of you.'' Bellamy says as he goes to the stairs that will lead him until the nightblood serum.

''You're crazy, completely out of your mind, dude.'' Murphy spits, trying to make him stay.

''Seriously Bellamy, you can't just-'' Monty interrupts himself. He wasn't ready to lose Bellamy, right after losing Jasper. It was too much.

''Go! Seriously! I won't let you die in vain!'' Bellamy shouts. He knows he wasted too much time.

''He's right, if we're doing this, it has to be now. Otherwise we will all die.'' Raven backs him up, noding at him.

They all look at each other, not convinced they should let Bellamy alone. For all they knew, Clarke could be dead by now.

''May we meet again.'' Bellamy shouts, smiling as he finds the serum.

''We will.'' Monty shouts back, being the last one entering the rocket.

Bellamy grabs the serum and injects it in his skin with his eyes closed, hoping it would work.

Hope. That's all he had. Hope for Clarke to come back quickly. Hope for the others to survive in space. Hope for the nightblood to work. Hope to survive praimfaya. Hope for Octavia and her new duty as commander.

Panicking, Bellamy injects other serum, and another. He doesn't know much about it, he doesn't know if he is supposed to inject a big amount or a small amount, or if he is even injecting it in the right way.

After injecting the fifth serum, he hears loud and strong footsteps. He rushes to the entrance seeing a weak Clarke colliding to the ground, her face was already damaged.

Bellamy, without thinking twice, jumps to Clarke, holding her into his arms, as if he was hiding her from praimfaya, so she wouldn't suffer more.

As he presses her body to his, with his hand protecting her head, he closes his eyes and waits until he hears an explosion.


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