chapter 17

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Soon enough, the sun rised. The amount of birds flying around was increasing, the little green space they had was growing. Bellamy and Clarke still couldn't believe how fast all this happened. The world getting destroyed, yet one part remaining intact. One green space all for themselves. No wars, no blood, no problems. They can now enjoy Earth in a peaceful way, the way they never got to experience it before.

Clarke was now extracting a part of her blood to a syringe. It wasn't a pleasant feeling, but considering everything she has been through, this pain couldn't ever be compared. It was just a sting, she thought.

''Are you sure about this?'' Bellamy questioned for the fifteenth time this morning. He was unsure about Clarke's idea. It didn't matter how many times she explained it to him, he would always have a million questions passing through his mind.

''Yes, Bellamy.'' She rolled her eyes. Annoyed would be an understatement to explain how she was feeling about all his questions. ''Now sit still.'' She demanded, sending him a glare when he opens his mouth, probably to ask another question.


''Do you want to keep coughing blood?''


''Then shut up.''


''Bellamy! For goodness sake, just sit still and let me do my job! I have other things to do yet I am here, so let's make this quick alright?''

''Someone's in a mood today.'' Bellamy says through his teeth, widening his eyes as he heard the girl speak.

''Yeah well, wouldn't you know.'' She replied.

''What's that supposed to mean- OUCH!'' The former leader lets a little scream slip out of his mouth, as soon as the syringe meets his skin.

''You're such a baby.'' Clarke whispers with a little smile dancing on her lips.

''Oh you find that funny, don't you?'' Bellamy says amused, while a smile also reappears on his lips.

''Yeah well, I didn't think the dreadful, ruthless, Bellamy Blake would ever scream like this over a syringe.''

''Oh c'mon, those were other times.''

''You're right. You're a big softie now.'' Clarke winks. ''Alright, you're done for today. Tomorrow we have to repeat this.''

''I'd rather not. Or the least you could is keep the syringe away.''

''Funny time is over. This is to save you, to prevent you from dying suddenly, so just get over it.'' Clarke answers in a harsh tone.

''I'm so tired of fighting Clarke. Why are you doing this? I just want to make the most of the situation.'' Bellamy confesses annoyed, just like the blonde girl was minutes ago.

''Well, I'm sorry if I don't want to play around with serious business like this. You are dying. That's the truth and we can't make the most of it.''

''Clarke just chill-''

''You probably don't care about dying. Octavia is gone for yet another four years or five, you don't have anyone else here to keep you sane. I get it, I really do. But think about Madi, alright? She has no parents, no family. We're all she's got. And if you die? Well, that's going to suck a whole lot. Stop pretending everything is fine, that everything will be eventually fine, because the truth is...'' Clarke stops for a brief seconds, not daring to look into Bellamy's eyes. ''I'm not sure if my blood can save you, if this will work.''

''Clarke...'' He whispers, realization hitting him hard. He couldn't form words or think rationally anymore. All he wanted to do right now was-

''I have a headache. I'll be back by night.''

And with that, Clarke leaves. Like she always does nowadays.


After telling Madi to not be afraid, that he would be back as soon as he could, he started walking. Bellamy wasn't sure where he was going, but he knew he wanted to find Clarke. Maybe tell her what has been keeping him awake at night. Or not.


Clarke was sitting near a lake, one of the few with clear water, while washing her face. She looked at her reflection and couldn't be more disappointed. She had big bags under her eyes and she was really pale. Clarke felt like a huge part of her just wasn't there anymore, like someone came and ripped it out of her body.

''Finally, I found you.'' Bellamy said relieved, as he sat next to her.

''What are you doing here?'' Clarke abruptly got up, looking at him with an arched eyebrow.

''Sorry for scaring you,'' He got up too. ''I just needed to talk.''

''You didn't scare me.'' She quickly said. ''To talk? So you just left Madi alone?'' She crossed her arms.

''I told her I would be back soon.... and it's not like there's anyone out there. Madi can take care of herself for a few minutes.''

''Still. It was an irresponsible move.'' Clarke argued.

''Just give me some time and I'll run to the camp, alright? It will be like nothing happened, like I never left.''

''Fine.'' She finally agreed, sitting on the floor again. Bellamy repeated her actions.

''Ok, look, I'm sorry. I know my words came out wrong. It's just.... I don't want to be reminded I'm dying, you know? It's not exactly a marvelous thing.''

''I get it-''

''Wait, let me finish.'' Bellamy locked eyes with the beautiful girl in front of him, and had an urge to grab her hand, but didn't. ''Octavia wasn't the only one keeping me sane. You have been doing that for a while now, too...'' A shy smile was formed on his lips. ''I just wanted to clear this up. See you later right?''


''Be careful. There might be a huge bear out here.'' He winked and patted her shoulder, getting up and running through the forest.

Clarke had her mouth open not really knowing what just happened, how quickly things escalated, and how she could ever stop the need she had to kiss him as soon as she layed eyes on him again. She shook her head, not wanting to deal with these kind of thoughts right now. It wasn't right.

Bellamy, however, kept cursing while running to the camp. He couldn't understand why he acted so shyly next to her, and why this conversation was so awkward.

''A pat on the shoulder? Seriously, Bellamy?'' He whispered to himself.


i'm sorry for being so late! I had to buy a new computer, as my previous died :/

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