chapter 22

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Three weeks passed. Diyoza, Clarke and Bellamy decided to share the valley and not hurt each other. Murphy, Raven, Echo, Emori, Harper and Monty weren't prisioners anymore. Everyone, especially the eligius team, have been building new houses. Clarke and Madi taught them how to hunt in the river or in the woods and Bellamy taught them how to cook and prepare the meal.

Madi, Clarke and Bellamy were relieved. They finally had more company and their days were more interesting now. Madi also had the opportunity to meet the heroes from the stories she fell asleep every night, but she also realized how different they were now. Two years changed a lot of things between them.



Bellamy and Murphy went on a walk to see if they could find any remainings of metal to use in the valley. As it was getting late, they grabbed in some wood and made a fire. They were just talking about random things, trying to catch up.

''You're pretty much a father now. You were always overprotective of Octavia, but now you have a daughter.... wow.'' Murphy shakes his head.

''Let's say I'm more her guardian than father. That makes me sound really old.'' Bellamy lightly chuckles and also shakes his head. ''But she's great, you know? And she also reminds me so much of Octavia. It helps with the ache I have everyday, for missing her too much.''

''In three years you'll be reunited again. Keep positive thoughts, man.'' Murphy pats on his shoulder.

''I still don't understand how you're immune to the radiation, though. Diyoza didn't explain that.''

''I honestly don't know as well. When they took us hostage, they used some kind of syringe and last thing I knew, I was on the ground again.''

''It was probably nightblood or something similar to it.'' Murphy adds.

''Yeah. Maybe. Anyways, was it fun up there? I bet you spent all your time with Emori.''

''Not really.'' Murphy affirms, looking away. ''I broke up with her some months after we got there.''

''Oh.'' Bellamy seems taken aback. He knew how much Emori meant to him. ''Did you fell out of love?''

''I just realized that before I love someone else, I have to love and accept myself first.''


Madi realized how soft Murphy turned out to be, he wasn't that angsty, sarcastic kid anymore. Raven didn't seem broken. She looked healthy and happy, with no bags under her eyes and as if her leg wasn't a burden anymore. Emori accepted her body and didn't wear a glove anymore. Harper and Monty also changed. A lot.


FLASHBACK > THREE WEEKS AGO (after the agreement with Diyoza)

''This is Madi. We met her some weeks after praimfaya and we're kind of her guardians.'' Clarke says, with a hand around Madi's shoulder. ''She heard so much about every and each one of you guys.''

''It's really nice to meet you, Madi.'' Raven lowers down to look her in the eyes and quickly pulls her in for a hug.

Soon enough, they're all hugging and greeting each other. When Clarke hugs Harper she feels a little kick against her belly. She pulls away and looks at Harper.


''Surprise!'' Harper shrugs with a wide smile on her face. Then she steps back and puts her hand on her belly, while Monty puts his arm around her waist. ''We're pregnant!''

This was also a surprise for the others. Harper and Monty kept it a secret for some time and when they thought that it was the right time to tell them, the eligius crew kidnapped them, so the opportunity just slipped away. But now that everyone knew, they were hugging again. It felt like a beautiful dream, endless happiness.


a little flashback chapter :) i'm posting another one in a bit!

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