chapter 24

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Clarke entered Bellamy's room. He was sitting on his bed, staring at a drawing she made him over a year and a half ago. On the draw, Bellamy and Madi were cooking together with a joyful smile dancing on their lips.

''Hey,'' Clarke greeted softly and she sits next to him.

''Hey,'' He answers equally softly, glancing at her.

''It's funny you have that drawing in your hand you know, I came here to talk about, well, Madi and cooking..''

''How come?'' Bellamy put the drawing in his box.

In that box he kept every draw Clarke ever made. She wanted to throw them away, she was always uncertain about them. Clarke thought her drawings needed more improvement, always. But Bellamy saw beauty in them, how she captured the essence of the person she drew, or the details of the background. So one day he showed up with a wooden box, made by himself, and told her she wouldn't get the chance to throw any more of her draws away.

''Remember when we... well, we thought we.. Slept together?'' Bellamy nods, wanting her to continue. ''We didn't. We probably didn't even get close to it. Madi put jobi nuts in our food and it probably made us go a little-- crazy.''

''We really didn't?'' A relieved smile rested on Bellamy's lips, but he was still confused.

''I don't think so. We don't remember anything from that night and we weren't drinking,..''

''Oh, that's so good.'' Bellamy finally sighed in relief. Clarke arched her eyebrow. She didn't know how his reaction would be, but she wasn't also expecting this.

''Even if we did sleep together, would it be so wrong?'' Clarke suddenly gets up. ''If I didn't tell you this right now, would you have looked at me everyday and still regret it? Regret sleeping with me?''

''I mean,'' Bellamy also gets up and rests his back on the wall. ''I think I would, to be honest,-''

''You're unbelievable.'' The blonde girl whispers, feeling both ashamed and betrayed.

''Clarke it's not-''

''Am I an embarrassment? Or did you have feelings for someone else all this time?''

''Clarke!'' Bellamy rolls his eyes and walks to her, putting a hand on her shoulder. ''Hey, look at me,'' He whispers and grabs her chin lifting it slightly up. ''You're not an embarrassment. But yes, I would have regretted sleeping with you and not remembering anything at all.'' Clarke doesn't say anything, so Bellamy takes the initiative to continue. ''You have no idea how relieved I am. Because now, if we ever get the chance to even kiss, I'll make sure to not drink or consume jobi nuts... I want to remember everything, Clarke. I want to have memories of every moment with you. And you know why?'' He voice lowers down, as he get closer to her. ''Because I really, really like you. I've liked you for so long, dammit.'' Bellamy slightly chuckles, never breaking their eye contact. ''And I have no idea how I'm getting the courage to tell you all of this right now, but I'm glad this... my feelings.. are finally out there. And I don't expect you to say anything or feel anything you don't feel, your friendship is also important to me and I don't want to lose you over some stupid crush- although it doesn't feel like a stupid crush anymore. Not to me, anyways. And I'm talking too much, so maybe-''

''Bellamy Blake, are you under the effect of jobi nuts?'' Clarke suddenly asks.


''Good.'' She instantly grins at him. ''Because I really, really, really, like you too. I wouldn't want you to forget this.'' Clarke puts her arms around his neck and, standing on tiptoes, her lips caress Bellamy's softly.

He immediately rests his hands on her waist and crashes his lips into hers, starting a soft, slow kiss. But Clarke couldn't wait any longer, she needed more, so much more. Pressing her body into his, Bellamy lets a soft groan escape from his mouth and he deepens the kiss, with a fervent urgent he never had before. Clarke's tongue slips inside his mouth and eventually Bellamy loses control of his body, falling right on his bed, with Clarke on top of him.

She chuckles lightly, gazing at his brown eyes. ''I'm done hiding my feelings. I feel like we have so much potential, together,.. I don't want to spend another day without being able to kiss you. I want this closeness, I want... you.''

Bellamy gulped, he felt exactly like that. He didn't say it outloud, though. He simply leaned in and kissed her hard, being on top this time.

[in the meanwhile]

''Can I come in?'' Murphy softly knocked on the door, opening right after.

''You're already in.'' Raven joked. ''What's up?''

''The ark. Kind of.''

''Really funny.'' She rolls her eyes.

''I try, Reyes.''

''What's really up, though? Or did you just come here to throw jokes at me, like always?''

''I've been talking with Bellamy...'' Murphy starts and sits on the chair, yet doesn't continue.

''Wait, is this about Bellamy and Clarke?'' Suddenly she gets excited. ''Because I've been talking to Clarke and she's right now telling-''

''Wait, what?''

''Clarke and Bellamy like each other. You came here to talk about that right?''

''Oh, yes. Totally.'' He fakes a smile, not feeling so courageous after all.


bellarke happened? murven is maybe a no-no? how are we feeling about his?

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