chapter 6

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Bellamy kept walking and walking, not really understanding where he was anymore. Everything looked the same -- death at its finest.

Time seemed to pass slowly and the fact that he was hungry just made things worse. All he wanted was to find food, but what was messing with his head was the fight with Clarke.

They're both starving and stubborn, and that wasn't a good combination.

Maybe I should go back, Bellamy thinks and shakes his head moments after. He shouldn't go back. He should prove a point to Clarke, so she could see that they weren't the only ones on Earth. Every part of him wanted to show her that she was wrong. So badly.

Resisting to the urge of going back, he inhales and walks faster. He shouldn't be wasting his energy like this, but he was hopeful.

His eyes close due to the brightness and, opening them again carefully, he sees a desert some kilometres away. He even swore he saw a river.

Bellamy sprinted as if he was catching Octavia, like they did when they were little; he wanted food. He knew food was there. He knew praimfaya couldn't just destroy everything. He knew everything would go back to normal. And he knew that radiation would make the animals bigger and therefore, a better meal.

He saw a little bunny hopping and quickly jumped to it, trying to catch it.

It wasn't a bunny.

Bellamy fell on the warm sand instead, and realized his allucionations messed with his mind. He is getting so tired and so hungry that he can't think straight. This affects him so much that part of him only cares about eating, so he starts dreaming about it -- asleep or awake, it doesn't matter.

He would do anything to catch a deer. Or a rabbit. Or even a tiny bug. He would do anything to eat at all.

Bellamy knows he wants to cry -- but nothing comes out. It's like his body has 6% of water in it, so there aren't tears left to cry, really.


He moves his head catching a glimpse of a figure running to him. He shakes his head. Octavia is in the bunker, Clarke is in the shelter and the others are up in space. No way someone is actually calling for him.

His mother is dead. Maybe it's his mother.

Maybe I'm dead, he thinks.

''Bellamy are you okay?''

The figure sits down, touching him to see if he couldn't move. Bellamy turns his body completely to it, seeing Clarke.

He rolls his eyes.

Stop messing with me, stupid allucinations.

''Seriously Bellamy, did you hit your head or something? I tried to come as quickly as I could.''

I won't resist to this.

''Bell, please say something. I know we had a fight but...''

He widens his eyes as part of him believes it actually is Clarke.

''I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that, I didn't even mean it. Don't be mad at me, it just has been... tough.''

''Clarke?'' Bellamy clears his throat, ''pinch me''

''What? Why would I do that?''

''Please. If you're real just... do it.''

''Of course I'm real, what are you even saying?'' She rolls her eyes, pinching him right after.

Bellamy lets a little scream slip away as Clarke giggles.

''You asked for it.'' She replies right after with a smirk.

''I'm sorry too.'' Bellamy says in a serious tone. ''You're right, I was stubborn. I was going to leave with them, you know... But I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I guess I'm just so... used to protect you all the time. I could just not be here with you. You helped me through tough times and I just didn't want to leave you behind.''

''And I'm really thankful for that,'' Clarke says truthfully.

They nod at each other, smiling shyly. They kept looking at each other's eyes as if they were sinking in them. The blue shade of Clarke's eyes just amazed Bellamy and his brown tone just made her eager to paint them one day.

After a long, yet comfortable, silence they look up.

''Is that..''

''I think..''



Clarke and Bellamy quickly jump, forgetting in how much pain they were, trying to find where the noise was coming from.

''There!'' Bellamy pointed to a bird, clearly affected by the radiation as it was very big, that was flying away.

Bellamy grabbed her hand and they ran, together, after it.


They stop near a rock.

''This is..''

''Food arrived.''

Bellamy smirked as the former leaders look at the amount of big fat birds reuniting near a dried lake.


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