chapter 10

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The first week passed; the green started to flourish again. Clarke and Bellamy learnt a lot with Madi, Madi learnt a lot with Bellamy and Clarke. The former leaders tried to improve and speak trigedasleng almost fluently. Madi tried to start speaking english as well.

The second week passed; a lake was being, slowly, formed. A lake with fresh water for them, a lake were they could finally clean themselves up. Clarke finally started to smile again, hope invaded her entire being.

The third week passed; Bellamy started to cough. He used to get colds all the time up in the ark, but nothing ever happened as he went down. He tried to act as if it was normal, but Clarke was worried. Madi tried to remember what her family taught her before, about the curing herbs: praimfaya destroyed them all.

The fourth week passed, it marked a month since they met Madi, a month since they realized death wouldn't attack them soon enough. It also marked two months since praimfaya destroyed their former lifes. Bellamy wasn't getting better, either.

It was on the fifth week Clarke realized that Bellamy needed help.

''I'm fine, I swear,'' Bellamy whispers coughing right afterwards.

''Bellamy, you're not fine. We need to do something!''

''I said I'm fine! Quit the doctor act!'' He raises his voice and gets up. ''Clarke I survived until now, nothing can tear me down. I'm fine,''

''Hey, don't- Don't you dare walk away on me, Bellamy Blake!'' As he started walking in the opposite direction, Clarke taps his shoulder, making him stop. He turns to her. ''Yes, I'm worried about you. Because yes, you haven't eaten properly for months and yes, this might be a nutritional problem but it might also be because the nightblood serum isn't working! So yes, Bellamy, I'm worried because if it's about the serum, there's nothing I can do and yes, in that case something will tear you down. Praimfaya will finally get to you and I will never, ever, forgive myself for it.'' Clarke says in tears, almost forgetting how to breath.

''The serum worked, alright?'' Bellamy says slowly, staring at her deep, blue ocean eyes. ''I'm here, I'm not leaving. Once I eat a big, fat, yummy bird I won't cough anymore.''

Clarke rolls her eyes, tears falling down her face, a little laugh escaping her mouth. Bellamy smiles at her reaction, putting his arms around her body and hugging her as tight as he could.

Clarke hugs him back, her little hands pushing him closer to her. She sank into his chest, crying as if he already was gone. She couldn't think about other thing, it was making her crazy. Clarke just wanted his safety, she wanted him to live a happy, healthy life.

Bellamy tried so hard to not cry as well. He was scared, he was scared of dying, scared of leaving Clarke behind and Madi too, he was scared he would never see Octavia again. He was scared of not being strong enough.

''Chit's wrong (what's wrong)?''

Clarke and Bellamy turn to see Madi staring at them, with her big, worried eyes.

''Nothing's wrong, Di.'' Bellamy says, offering her a warm smile. ''Come here,'' One of his arms rests on Clarke's waist, while the other lets her body go, to embrace Madi.

They stayed like that for some time. Just hugging, heating each other up, transmiting their strength. They almost looked like a family.

A true, real, beautiful family.


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