chapter 7

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Clarke carefully approached the birds, trying to not make noise so they wouldn't notice. She looked over her shoulder, her eyes meeting Bellamy's. With his slow nod, she knew it was now or never. She quickly jumped, grabbing one of the birds. Bellamy ran to them, hitting it with a rock.

Clarke knew that if she was still in space, imagining life on Earth, she would find this disgusting. She would say they shouldn't kill the bird, they shouldn't be cold enough to eat it without thinking about it. But life on the Ark was completely different. There was always food, there was always something, they were able to produce it ten times more.

Here it's more complicated. Sure, Earth had green everywhere, eatable plants (some of them delicious, might Clarke add) but Praimfaya made sure all of it was destroyed. So now, it doesn't matter how bad it sounds, but they had to kill the birds to live.


After properly preparing the bird, they started eating it. They made sure to slice it in two equal parts, and boy -- didn't they enjoy it.

''Hey Clarke,'' Bellamy starts while tasting his food, that he so eagerly waited for. ''How do you think this bird survived?''

''I have no idea,'' She replies, also enjoying every moment of the their meal. ''Maybe they injected themselves with Becca's serum as well.'' She jokes, shaking her head right after with a little laugh.

''I don't know.'' He smiles, clearly amused. ''What if they found shelter somewhere?''

''Becca's lab barely survived. I don't think anything else did.''

''Maybe... Maybe Mount Weather did.''

They look at each other, realizing how dumb they had been all this time. Mount Weather could've had survived, which meant there were still resources, helpful tools and some food. There were probably even beds.

''We should look for it after we rest.'' Clarke affirms, as Bellamy nods agreeing with her.


After eating the rest of the bird, they decided to sleep. It was getting dark soon and they were too tired to go back to their shelter. Sure, they didn't have water here, but they already ate and the warm sand looks too comfortable to not lay on it.

Bellamy takes off his jacket, wrapping it up as if it was a pillow. Clarke does the same, and they lay down, near the dry lake where the birds were initially.

The former leaders look up to the sky full of stars, as their eyes begin to slowly close.

''Hey Bellamy,'' Clarke whispers softly not taking her eyes off of the stars.

''Hey Clarke,'' Bellamy replies under his breath.

''Do you think they're okay up there?'' She was genuinely scared. She knew they would be much safer on the bunker. For all she knew, they could be dead by now.

''I think I can't believe how selfless you are, considering you're suffering, you're weak and haven't been eating right in nearly a month. Yet, your only concern are the others,'' The freckled boy looks to her, their eyes meeting once more. ''For once in your life, take a break. Take care of yourself. Put yourself first.... You deserve it.''

She slowly nods, an adorable smile dancing on her lips. ''Thank you,''Clarke gets closer to Bellamy, resting her head on his chest, pretending he was the comfiest pillow she ever had.

''Anytime, princess.'' Bellamy's arm rests on her waist, while his body relaxes completely. His eyes closed slowly, but not before he realized Clarke had fallen asleep as well.


Clarke woke up feeling two strong arms around her tiny body, heating her up. Her head wasn't resting on Bellamy's chest anymore, but he was calmly breathing against her neck, letting snores slip out once in a while.

Her original idea was getting up, starting a new day and go looking for Mount Weather. But then she thought twice and intertwined Bellamy's fingers with hers. It was probably a huge risk, he could get the wrong idea and then he would avoid her.

She had no idea if Bellamy had had another girlfriend since Gina, they never really talked about it before. She considered Bellamy one of her closest friends, if not the closest to a brother she could ever get. She wanted to talk with him about Lexa so badly, she wanted to tell him everything and how she suffered with both her death and Finn's. But she also knew it was a touchy subject.

So Bellamy and Clarke never talked about girlfriends or boyfriends or even love or dates. They never had time for it. They were constantly busy trying to save their people or humanity in general. She wished she could be a normal teenager in the 1999s, as she watched several movies about it back in the Ark.

Now they didn't have to hurry, though. The world couldn't get better and there wasn't anyone left to save. Clarke and Bellamy were alone in this enormous world, with nothing better to do than to find food or water.

So yes, Clarke thought she didn't need to get up so quickly. She could enjoy this moment, she could sleep a little bit more.

And so she did.

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