chapter 18

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''You like her, don't you?'' Madi questioned.

Bellamy and her were sitting next to the fire, like they always did by night. Clarke wasn't with them, she decided she was too tired to hear another story about their friends -- the so called heroes of most adventures.

''I mean...'' Bellamy just stared at Madi, nothing else came out of his mouth. He was taken aback by her sudden realization.

''I think she likes you too.''

''I don't know...'' Bellamy shrugs. ''We never had time to think about it. There was always something. Grounders, commanders, death and war,.. always a problem coming between us.''

''But you and Clarke were in relationships before and it never lasted... it must mean something.''

''They never lasted because everyone died.'' Bellamy replies in a harsh tone.

''I didn't mean it like that, sorry.'' Madi looks apologetically at him, resting her head on his shoulder.

''Things are too complicated to think about relationships anyway. We need to survive first, lust comes later.'' Bellamy muttered, more to himself than to the girl next to him. But the spoken words didn't make sense to him, at all.

''There aren't threats anymore, Bellamy. I think you should give it a try. Because when the others manage to come down and open the bunker... well, it won't be that peaceful anymore.''

''When did you become so grown up, huh?'' Bellamy ruffles Madi's hair with a wide smile on his face. He felt lucky to have her.



Everything was calm. Eden, as Bellamy decided to name the valley, never looked more beautiful. Flowers with each and every color blossoming, birds flying everywhere, bugs and bears and every sort of animal appearing once in a while. The rivers had fishes and everything looked clear, peaceful.

Outside the valley, however, it was a chaos. Sometimes strong winds with sharp metals attacked them. The sand was too hot to walk on it. It wasn't habitable at all. Radiation made sure to never, ever disappear... which could be a problem furthermore.

Bellamy, Clarke and Madi found the rover in the desert -- it felt like Christmas. That is, if they ever celebrated it. Inside there were guns, which Madi begged to start using, but the former leaders didn't think she was ready yet.

The transfusion seemed to work, which was a relief for the three of them. Losing Bellamy wouldn't be a thrill, not when they are so outnumbered, not when the girls care so much for him.


''I wish I could be as badass as Skairipa.'' Madi sighs.

''Stand still, Madi.'' Clarke demands annoyed. Madi wouldn't stop moving her head, which wasn't really helpful to Clarke, who was braiding her hair.

''You already are.'' Bellamy answers, while pouring water on the three metal cups.

''You think so?'' Madi widened her eyes.

''I know it.''

Their relationship grew stronger, they were a real family. But despite Madi's comments once in a while, Bellamy and Clarke's status didn't improve. There was so much to be said, yet neither knew how to say it.

But Madi had a plan.

That would change everything.


so sorry for the delay!!! i'm updating more often, though <3

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