Painted Faces

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I look pretty from a distance
Where you can't see my flaws
I wish I could hide them all
With a single brush
I spend a minute too long trying to do my hair
And an hour on my face
Because these features aren't pretty
Without a mask over it
Too sharp, too narrow, too flat
My body is this, it is that
But it's not pretty
Just okay at last
When I've covered the features
That look like me
With powders and paints
And I wished no one could see
Then I sit and wonder
If everyone we saw,
Called self-centered
Because they tried to look perfect
Weren't just like me
Afraid for people to see
When the masks are gone
When their painted face
Has washed away
Makes you almost want to laugh
All of us sitting around
Telling each other
"No, you're beautiful"
You hear that new hit song?
It's just for you
And every other girl
That doesn't think she's pretty
"No, you're handsome"
You don't need to be a hero
Don't need to look like him
Muscular or tall
If there was a song
I'd play it for you
'Till then, let's exchange these words
But not believe it
Because I'm not made to be pretty
Or handsome
I'm made to be everything else
Anything else
I convince myself is of worth
When the world doesn't care
Until someone gets hurt
Or it's one of its sort
No one notices it, of course
So until I'm "normal" at least
I can only hope
You don't see
These painted faces
Need new paint
Every day

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