How Could They?

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Slight start of a panic attack. There's your warning it's not too bad in this chapter but I just want to make sure you know. Enjoy- AnxietyThnks2Society 


He showed up as soon as Patton left, appearing suddenly in the corner of my room, the way only dark sides did.

"You know you can't keep hiding it from them," he teased. I sighed as I turned to the yellow gloved, top hat wearing side. Most of the Fanders thought that Deceit could only lie and that was the case in the real world but in the mindscape he could say anything he wanted. It didn't mean that most words out of his mouth weren't lies though. "It's been years Anxiety, the Boss is getting.....well..... anxious." His mouth curved into a wicked grin.

"You being here isn't going to help anything," I snapped. "They've only just started to trust me." He moved over to the dresser an picked up my card. The simple card that Patton had given me after the video that I had decided to duck out on. I balled my fists at my side.

"Was that Patton that just left? He's always so overly cheery. It was a pain to disguise as that sappy fool." I stalked over to him and grabbed the card out of his hands.

"Well that's just the pain you'll have to live with," I snarled as I set the card back up so it would display Morality's crayon drawings. Deceit gave a low chuckle.

"Look who's getting gutsy. Last I remember of you was a scared little child who did whatever the big boys did. You wouldn't dare speak to me like that if we were back home." I flinched at his words. Home. I hadn't thought about that place in forever. When I had first ended up in the light sides section I had longed to go back to normalcy. It was too bright and everyone was staring at me, talking about my clothes and hair. Now I couldn't imagine living anywhere else but here with Patton and Logan and Roman.

"People change Deceit. Look at you. You used to be a low life and see where you are now." Deceit's grin turned into a frown. I knew I had tapped a nerve. Deceit had always hated any mention of his past. He surged forward and grabbed the front of my hoodie.

"And you'll remember that I am the real second in command, no matter what relations you have to him. We want results and if you can't bring them then maybe it's time that your replaced." With that he threw me to the ground where I sat on my hands and knees. My bangs fell farther into my face, obscuring my vision.

"I may not have power but at least I'm not fawning over one person for years only to get ignored and treated as merely a friend." If my last statement had tapped a nerve, this one had full on punched it. I tensed as he lashed out, kicking me over and over again. I lay on the ground using my hands to cover my face. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head up to whisper in my ear.

"Don't you ever suggest anything like that again or I'll throw you into Forgetfullness myself." He released me and I fell to the ground with a groan. "Your letting them get to you, change you. The Boss won't be happy, Anx. They don't care for you. How could they? Your a disease, a disorder, a burden. You belong with us." He took the card from its place and ripped it in two pieces. He let the pieces drop to the floor as he disappeared. 

I crawled over to where they fell, pain flaring through my torso and it hurt to breathe. The rip went straight down the figure that represented me. I hugged the pieces to my chest an let the tears cascade down my face as the thoughts attacked my brain. Villain. Disorder. Disease. Burden.


Not my art. Credit to the artist- ABD-illustrates on Deviant Art. I love the picture and I couldn't find a shot of the actual card.  Sorry for it being a short chapter.

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