Monopoly Money

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Virgil showed no mercy. It was clear by the first twenty minutes that he would win but the game still went forward with him collecting money and me trying to delay the inevitable. Once he had set up hotels on almost every one of his properties I knew I was done for.

He smirked as he picked up his fake money hoard and put it back in the box. I glared at him as I went for the board since I now had nothing.

"You cheated," I declared. There was no way anyone could win that quick and efficiently. I set the board back in the box and closed the lid on top of it before sliding it off to the side.

"How do you cheat at Monopoly?" he asked, I shrugged because I really didn't know. If I did I would have won instead of being pounded into the dirt.

"I don't know but you did," I insisted as I crossed my arms and pouted. He leaned his head back on the couch. He stretched and yawned, reminding me of a cat.

"Nope your just a sore loser, Princey." I didn't know what else to say as he rubbed his eyes to try and stay awake. We needed something else to do before he passed out for good. I bit my lip as I brainstormed. Something loud but not too loud because he had a headache. Maybe something to get him up and moving. I snapped my fingers as I got an idea.

"Oh no, what's on your mind?" I ran over to grab my phone from the table.

"Just wait." I snagged my phone and searched the bookcase where I had last seen the speaker. I found it behind a POP! figure of Steven and a pizza plush. Virgil watched as I set it on the table and connected it to the phone. It took me a few seconds to find a song.

I smiled as the music filled the room. Anx groaned before looking at me.

"Really? What are you going to do, dance me to sleep?"

"No you're going to dance with me to stay awake." He started to protest but I cut him off as the song started. "Shut Up And Dance With Me!" I cried.

"Yeah no. I don't dance," he tried. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him to his feet.

"That's what everyone says but it's just us. You don't have to worry about how you look. Just let the yourself move with the music." He frowned and crossed his arms. I danced around him trying to get him to move. "Just keep your eyes on me. I said you're holding back. Shut up and dance with me!" I belted out the lyrics and grabbed his hands. They were cold and slightly clammy. I pulled him along with me until the song hit the final note.

"I feel dumb," he mumbled.

"So feel dumb but no one here will care how you look." The next song started to softly pour out of the speaker. He gave me one glare before I placed my hands on his waist and directed his around my neck.

"Princey," he warned. I could see a bright blush on his cheeks and mine started to heat up too.

"It's fine Virge, just dance." He seemed irritated but he didn't break away so I continued to sway as he followed. I mumbled the lyrics as we went. I relished being this close to him. I could feel his breath on my face and his hands at the back of my neck.

We swayed as the song carried on, him watching his feet and me staring at his face as I muttered the lyrics. The song ended too soon and we continued to dance to an imaginary beat. Finally he looked up and met my eyes.

"Princey, the song is over." I nodded and pulled away as the next song began, another fast one, but he hesitated before unhooking his hands from my neck. My breathe caught. "I'm going to sit down for a bit, my head hurts." I nodded as he plopped onto the floor.

To distract myself from the blush that I was sure was coating my face, I started to dance to the beat. I lost myself as I danced and sang, letting the music fill me. I was so into it that I didn't notice what Virgil was up to.

I looked over to see him holding monopoly money in one palm and flicking the fake bills away with the other, where they floated and landed at my feet. I stopped dancing and laughed.

"What do you think this is, the strip club?" I asked. He reached for more paper money from the box before answering.

"Nah, you've got too many clothes on for that." Without thinking I answered but immediately regretted it.

"That can be changed." He turned away as his face turned the color of a tomato. I looked at my feet before glancing at the clock. It was six in the morning. Eleven hours since he had hit his head. He would surely be fine by now, right.

"I think your safe to sleep if you want to. I'll stay here and clean up." He nodded before heading to his spot at the stairs. I sighed as he disappeared and I began to pick up all of the dollar bills off of the floor.

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