Maybe One Day

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I ran my hands through Virgil's hair as he slept. Quietly I sang the lyrics that I was too afraid to tell him. I whispered them in his ear.

"'Cuz you're my....... you're true love. My whole heart. Please don't throw that away. 'Cuz I'm here for you. Please don't walk away and please tell me you'll stay." I softly finished the rest of the song before resting my head on top of Virgil's. I may have lied about Patton and Logan being busy. I didn't even know what they were doing but it was worth it, I thought before drifting off to sleep.

The sun was setting when I woke up. How long had I been asleep? Virgil and I had come to the garden at about noon. Virgil. I twisted my head to see him missing. I alarmingly stood up and looked around.

"Virgil?!" I called. He didn't seem to be anywhere in the garden. I took another step forward and felt something under my foot. I jumped back, praying it wasn't something alive that would attack me. Seeing it was not alive, I bent down to pick it up.

It was a single white rose with tips of gold and vibrant red. One of the most beautiful flowers I had ever seen and in my favorite colors. But how had it gotten here? The flowers were all back at the path and the roses were towards the entrance.

That's when I noticed the piece of paper rolled and tied to the stem. I unwrapped it and read;


I'm fine so don't panic. I headed back to the house but I didn't want to wake you, you seemed like you needed the sleep. Thanks for helping me with today. I know it can't be easy dealing with me but thanks. I really needed a break.

    - Emo Nightmare

I smiled to myself and pocketed the note. Maybe one day I could bring him here on a good day, just to hang out. I imagined what I would do and tried to imagine what he would say while twirling the rose in between my fingers. I sighed before giving up and heading back through the garden.


Sorry for such a short chapter but I promise the next one will be good. Also sorry for not posting very often but I've been swamped with end of the year testing and track. Soon school will be out so I'll have more time to write. (I really love the picture of Roman on the top)

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