Farewell Brother

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"He couldn't have gotten too far," Patton reasoned. I looked around the room, almost an exact copy of Thomas's living room, watching for any sign. Roman and Logan came back from the kitchen to join us.

"He's not there either," Logan reported. "We should try our hall next." None of us were going to argue with Logic so we followed him up the stairs. Down the hallway were three doors, one for Patton, one for Logan, and one for Roman. I sadly rested my eyes on the spot where mine had sometimes stayed. It was gone now and had been for almost two years according to Roman. It must have decided that it wasn't worth it sitting there empty.

They each opened their doors and peered inside. Still there was nothing to indicate where he could have gone.

"We have to search the hallways now, I guess," Roman started. A tendril caught my eye just before it turned the corner and disappeared. Without thinking I broke into a run, following it down the path. 

I could hear Roman and the others calling out to me and their rushed footsteps but I kept going. I followed the smoke that was just always out of reach but I knew where it would take us. To the one spot that I hated. Sure enough not too long we were at the barrier.

I stopped before I reached it and watched as the smoke disappeared and snaked its way around the shacks. I gently set my hand on the transparent barrier and felt the energy rushing through it. It reminded me of our burst of light in the living room. If this was made of that same stuff then what if we could trap Dep somewhere. Somewhere he couldn't cause any trouble. Somewhere no one would bother.

"Virgil! Get away from that!" Roman called before grabbing my shoulders and spinning me away. "You can't go in there. I'm not going through that again." I pushed my way out of his arms and stared out into my old home. Slowly I reached my hand out again.

"Princey," I whispered before I plunged through it, feeling the spark that told me I had crossed. Then I tentatively took a step back, straight through the barrier once again and into the light side of the Mind. "It doesn't trap me anymore because you were right. I am one of you." I smiled, knowing that I had found my place. Then my eyes caught the castle and I frowned. 

"Yes we must go then. Depression is somewhere in there," Logan urged. 

"He's this way, in the castle," I said. They nodded and we all started that way together, through the barrier once more. " I have a plan!" I shouted as we ran towards him. "The barrier, we can make one just like it, around the castle. We can trap him there."

"How do we make a barrier, Virgil?" Roman asked. I slowed at the door and grabbed the handle.

"The light. It has the same energy as the barrier. The same power," I explained. "If we can direct the light around the castle maybe it would create a trap." I stopped and gave them time to think on it. After a second, Logan smiled. 

"That's genius, Virgil!" Suddenly the doors flew open, knocking me to the ground and into the dust. I coughed as I sat up and felt the familiar warm trickle go down my arm. I looked to find a scrape down the length of my forearm and immediately regretted it. My head became fuzzy and I felt sick to my stomach. This isn't the time, Virgil, I chided. But your hurt and it could become infected. Then you die. I shook my head to clear the thoughts. That would have to be a later worry.

"Well that was an extremely fun game but now you're back on my turf," Depression crowed. "That took some real guts, Anx. Too bad you'll have to stay here now." He gave a smirk of satisfaction as I began to stand.

I joined the others and held on to Roman's hand.He gave it a reassuring squeeze and I took a deep breathe.

"It's over Dep. Please just give up and we can leave you alone." Even as I said it I knew he would never agree but I had to try. I wanted to save my brother. I could feel the energy building as the light started to spread, blue, red, and purple all mixing together in a bright flash, spreading over the castle like a stain.

Depression sank back and covered his eyes from the light. "Go ahead then, Anxiety. Abandon me for them. One day I hope you get what you deserve. I hope they abandon you just like this, then you'll see why I wanted this for us. I wanted us to be the ones on top for you, for us." 

"If you wanted to do something for me you would have changed," I screamed at him. The light closed over the castle, putting it in a bubble.

"Goodbye then, brother," he spit before he was covered by the doors slamming shut.

"Farewell, brother," I whispered. My hand dropped from Roman's as I stared. It was over, he was trapped. So why did it feel like I had lost.

"No! Depression!" We all turned to see Deceit running towards us, his hat missing and his outfit covered in dirt. He raced to the barrier. Tears were gliding down his face. 

"Deceit, no!" I called out as I caught him. He struggled in my grip, trying to get to the barrier. "You can't go in there, you'll be trapped." He stopped and looked at me.

"Virgil, please I can't just leave him." I understood what he meant. He loved him even after all of this, after everything he had done, he still held Deceit's heart.

"Deceit, he won't change. I've tried so much, what if you get stuck in there and his feelings never change? I can't let you do this." I had just lost my brother, I didn't want to lose one of my first friends too.

"Virgil. What if it were Roman in there? Even if he didn't feel the same way but there was still a chance, a chance that he could feel the same thing if he only gave in to his feelings. You and I both know he isn't as heartless as he tries to seem. Even if he doesn't feel the same way I do about him it will be better for me to be with him then to be stuck out here, never getting the chance to tell him everything, never getting the chance to at least try. I'm sorry Virgil but I have to try." I gave up on holding him and instead hugged him. There was no controlling our feelings, I could understand that.

"I hope for your sake that he changes. I know he loves you, deep down, he just won't show it. Take care of yourself, Dee. I'll miss you," I whispered into his ear.

"And I will miss you too." He broke away from me and came closer to the barrier. "I guess this is it then. Keep Thomas honest for me, he's a great person." With that he stepped through and walked up to the door, preparing to open it. He turned around once and we met eyes. I took my hand and gave him my signature salute, an old childhood habit from my dark side days before he turned and disappeared through the doors.

Soon arms were around me, Roman's, Patton's, and even Logan's. I sobbed openly, not caring anymore. I had just lost everything from my childhood and it hurt so much. But I had new people that cared for me. I had a new home and a new purpose.

Slowly they pulled away and Roman took me around the shoulders, turning me back to the way we came. "Come on, My Emo Nightmare. Let's go home."


And that's the end. I'm so thankful to all of you who enjoyed the story and I had a blast writing it. If you liked my writing don't worry I have another Sanders Sides story planned but it may be a little while before I start writing it. If you want to follow me on instagram, where I sometimes post extra things about my story or put Q&As with my characters my account is AnxietyThanksToSociety. It's been such a great journey writing this, I hope ya'll enjoy it.

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