Revisiting the Past

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"Don't forget about the movie tonight!" Patton called as I left the kitchen. I smiled to myself. Movie nights were perfect, usually we watched Disney and of course there was popcorn. I didn't even have to talk to be considered as part of the group.

I made my way down the hallway only to see my door missing. I pulled my headphones up and turned on my music, full volume. I might as well jam out while I was on a door finding adventure. I started nodding my head along with the beat as I searched. Sometimes this journey took only a few minutes but this was not one of those times.

After over an hour I was still on the hunt. All I wanted was to be alone, on my bed, listening to my music and maybe doodling a bit but no, my room had other plans. Even my own home hated me.

I lost track of where I was when I found it. I sighed in relief before reaching forward to twist the knob. My stomach started to churn and my hand shook. I slowly pulled my hand away and turned. There almost a foot away from me was a dark tinted transparent wall. I pulled my headphones down and let the music flow out. No. Why did it lead me to this place? Now I was sure that the mindscape hated me.

As if I was in a trance, I stepped forward with my hand out. I was inches away when I stopped. Through the barrier I could see a small group of huts, barely even a town. Many of the shelters looked patched together from several materials. Some were tilted and I was afraid that a light breeze would knock them down. The few houses with windows had them locked tightly or were covered in bars.

Beyond the dismal scene was an elaborate castle made of dark stone. An iron fence shut the rest of the world out. These windows too were covered in bars. My hands started to tremble. Why out of all the places it could have gone? Why here? My breathing started to quicken. 

A scream pierced the still air, nothing unusual. My gaze went to the top spire of the castle. That was the throne room. I remembered gazing longingly out of that window for years during political meetings. I used to roam that building, finding quiet places to hide. That's the main reason I hated going to Roman's castle in his area of the mind. It was a shocking twin of the one I had grown up in. It mirrored every piece of this one but in a brighter scheme of white and gold and red. I had never told any of them this though and they just thought it was because it was always busy.

My heart skipped a beat as I thought I saw movement in the top window. I turned and raced to the door. He couldn't see me. I couldn't face him, not again. I slammed the door and flopped on the bed. I pulled my headphones back up over my ears and held the button until the music drowned out my thoughts.

He probably hadn't seen me or if he did he wouldn't recognize me. I had changed now, I was a main side, he couldn't do anything to me. There was no way, right? But I knew it wasn't true. I had felt it and he must have too, the old pang of being close to each other. Maybe he didn't recognize it after all these years. Maybe he too just liked looking out the window like I had.

I twisted over and shoved my head into my pillow. Why did it have to be me? I slowly fell asleep and prayed for dear life that he hadn't seen me and that my door would move again before I had to leave it.


Video at the top by Cerulean Sailor on YouTube. I love this song and the video is amazing! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'd like to thank everyone that has read this story. IT'S NUMBER 4 IN VIRGILSANDERS!!!!!

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