4:29 AM

277 14 2

Warning-Mentions of blood and gore


I awoke to the sound of a book slipping off the desk. It was a heavy volume on physics that had been hazardously perched on the edge. I must have moved in my sleep and hit it. I yawned and set my head back down on my hands. I wrinkled my nose in disgust and sat up. My hands still smelled like carpet cleaner and bleach.

Earlier that night, after Roman had dismissed us, I had led Patton back to the mindscape. He seemed to be very shocked and in distress but I couldn't blame him. The whole night had been an ugly ordeal. I knew that Thomas would be exhausted tomorrow but luckily he didn't have much going on. It was just another lazy day so he could afford to steal a few more hours of sleep.

I had spent hours scrubbing the red blotches out of the carpet in front of Patton's door. It had been too dark for him to see it last night but I had. Virgil must have passed out because there was a puddle of it, red and sticky. I had debated on just leaving it until morning but I couldn't risk Patton getting up before me and stepping out to that. Or Virgil. So I traded in sleep for a rag.

I yawned as I stood and stretched. The clock read 4:29 am. Way earlier than I usually like to get up. Maybe I could sneak in a bit more sleep before I was needed.

I knew it was impossible when I laid down. My mind was racing and my eyes had already adjusted to being awake. I sighed and put my glasses back on. Maybe I could take a walk around the garden, a peaceful walk would be good for me. I quickly readjusted my tie before heading out, gently closing the door behind me.

I made it to the living room in the mind where Roman was passed out on the couch. Virgil was nowhere to be seen. I figured that they had finally went to bed but Roman hadn't made it to his room. He had already been tired before staying up the whole night. I pulled the blanket off of the back of the couch and placed it on him. He shifted for a second and I thought that I had woken him up but he just mumbled something and settled back down.

I pushed the front door open and cringed at the squeak it gave. Thankfully I didn't hear any shuffling from the living room. 

Outside the sky was still dark but streaks of light from the rising sun were starting to appear. I took in the beautiful sight before heading for the bench set in the middle of the roses. Roman was very proud about his flowers so I was very careful not to stomp any under my feet. The bench was cold but refreshing. I gave another yawn and stared out at the rows of flora. 

Something snapped behind me and I spun around to see what it was. My eyes searched to find nothing there. My heart started to pound in my chest. It was probably just an animal but I couldn't calm myself down. Something was off.

"Logan!" I jumped to my feet and looked around wildly. That was Patton's voice and he sounded scared. "Help me!" 

I took after the direction of the voice, crushing roses as I went.

"Pat! Patton! I'm here!" I was now in the wooded area behind the garden. My head whipped back and forth as I searched for a familiar blue polo. "Patton! Where are you!"

"Logan!" There it was again, closer this time and off to my right. I crept closer to his voice until I saw him. The sight made me gasp.

His face was lolled forward and his hand cupped his side. A red stain covered the front of his blue shirt. It seemed to be spreading even further. A knife sat beside him, also covered in blood. I raced towards him as tears streaked down my face. 

"Patton! Pat, what happened?" I was by his side in seconds and on my knees so I could examine the wound. 

"I...I don't know. It hurts, Lo." His voice was raspy and it sounded like he was choking. That couldn't be good. I tried to pry his hand away so I could see it but he refused to move from his position. 

"Please Pat, I know it hurts but I need to see it so I can help you." I reached in my pocket for my phone, we needed help, but it wasn't there. It must still be on my desk where I had set it last night.

"No, Lo. There is nothing you can do to help." He grabbed my hand as his head snapped up. The last thing I remember before passing out were two piercing eyes; one brown and the other yellow, both out of place on Patton's kind face. 

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