Insufferable Emo Nightmare

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I sank down and appeared back in the mindspace. Today's video had been very confusing for all of us. Deceit had come back, man I hadn't seen that guy in years, usually he just  stayed in the dark part of the mind. That's where all of the 'Dark Sides' lived. As far as I knew it was a dirty city with very little sunlight, filled with despair. How anyone could live like that, I wasn't sure.

"I'm going to go bake some cookies to celebrate our new video!" Patton cried. I was glad that we had Patton back and I almost ran up to hug the father figure. Logan was also in the room, near the bookcase picking out something new to read. Finding one that fit his specifications,  he followed Patton to the kitchen. "Wanna help, Roman?"

While I hated to tell Patton no, there was something I needed to attend to. I politely declined his offer and promised to help next time.

Virgil hadn't showed up in the living room which meant he had taken the extra energy to pop up somewhere else. Possibly his room. I made my way down the hallway that housed Logan's, Patton's, and my rooms. Occasionally Virgil's would be there too but his door tended to roam, as if it wasn't sure where he belonged.

Technically we could live anywhere but most of the time we just lived in the house. Each of us had our own room but we shared the living room and kitchen. The lesser light sides lived in similar ways. As the main sides we worked together closely so it made sense that we lived together.

I was glad when I saw Virgil's door a few feet down from mine. It was pitch black and was newly adorned with a purple thundercloud. I rapped my knuckles lightly on the wood.

"Virgil? Are you in there?" I nervously fiddled with my sash. I couldn't hear anything in the room but that didn't mean he wasn't ignoring me. "Virgil please. I need to talk to you." There was a small shuffle of feet before the door opened.

He had his hood up and his bangs hung low over his eyes. He gave me a look before removing his big black headphones from one ear. "What do you want, Princey?" I smiled at him. He had redone his makeup since the video, his face was paler and his eye bags were darker then ever.

"I came to check up on you after... uh the video. You seemed a little off today," I tried. He pulled his hood farther down his face.

"What's it matter to you? I'm Anxiety, I'm always off," he snarled. He did have a point I guess. I didn't know what to say.

"Well I was just making sure, Verge. You just seemed different. It's not another bad day is it?" Some days his anxiety spiked, either for no reason or because Thomas had something stressful going on. These days we tried to help. Patton would take him to the kitchen and talk and bake for hours. Logan would bring him to the library and read him those dreadful Brothers Grimm's Fairy tales. When the other two were busy I took him to the garden. We would sit under the Willow while I sang or talked, earning a few grunts or mumbled song lyrics from him.

"No. I'm fine," He grumbled. I took a second to process that as he tried to close the door. I placed my foot in front of it to stop him. "Go away, Princey." I pushed a strand of hair out of my face and shoved the door open. I stalked in.

"We both know that's a lie, Anx." He frowned before closing the door behind me. Being in the others' rooms always shocked me. The walls were a deep purple and covered in posters for bands and Patton's card was set up on his dresser. His sheets were dark purple and black plaid with an MCR throw pillow right in the middle. A laptop sat on the nightstand. 

"Okay fine. I'm Anxiety, I'm never fine but I'm normal. So there is no need for you to come barging into my room like you own the place." He tugged on the hood of his sweatshirt. "Which means get out."

"Verge I just want to talk about..... about today. Your hiding something and I just want to find out what. Please. I can see that something is bothering you." I reached out to him but he jumped away.

"Don't touch me! I'm fine now get out!" He was almost shouting now. I backed up a few steps, not wanting to set off an attack. The door creaked open and Patton peeked in.

"Hey kiddos. Everything alright in here?" he asked. I looked over at Virgil.

"Yeah Virgil, is everything alright?" I knew that if I made it seem like Anxiety was having trouble then Patton would try to help and there was no way Virgil could easily lie to Patton. He groaned and pulled on his hood again. I was afraid that if he tugged any harder his head would rip a hole in it.

"I'm fine but someone won't get out of my room!" Patton now turned on me with his disappointing frown.

"Now Roman, you know Virgil likes his space and each of us are entitled to our own areas. If he doesn't want you near him then you should back off a bit." I gave a small nod and turned back to Virgil.

"Fine but if you need anything then I'm here," I promised. He sat down on his bed.

"Yeah because I'll definitely come running to you, Princey," he mocked. "Just like every other distressed princess in need of saving tries to find condolence in a half witted prince." I was done. He could insult me all he wanted but when he insulted princes, he crossed the line.

"Then be just like  every other villain, sit there and sulk when things don't go your way." I regretted the words as soon as they came out of my mouth but I bit my tongue and pushed past Patton to leave.

I stormed into the kitchen causing Logan to look up from his book. I grabbed a soft, warm cookie from the stove and leaned heavily against the counter with a huff. I angrily bit into it.

"Insufferable Emo Nightmare," I muttered. Logan gave a slight chuckle before adjusting his glasses and returning to his book. 

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