Chapter 1- The Champion Of The Mountain

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Use the music I put in at a certain part of the story. You'll know when. Omg I waited months to publish this story and now I finally can! I have so much chapters now!

"It's good to see you again, Champion Of The Mountain." A voice said behind him, he then turned around to see The Sinnoh Champion standing before him.
"Didn't know I had a title." I responded, ignoring her question. "But the feeling is mutual. Are you here to challenge me to another battle?"

"Actually I have come to you for a different matter."

1 hour before, Third person POV
"Thank you for coming." Charles said with gratitude, She and the other champions have been called for a meeting regarding The Tournament Of Champions, a special tournament consisting of champions, elite four, and trainers. The tournament was to be hosted in Kalos but Charles had summoned them all for an emergency meeting in Sinnoh.
"Charles Goodshow you better have a damn good reason for this meeting!" Alder said, very pissed off.
"I was mourning my grandfathers death when you called."

"I do have good reason and I'm sorry for your loss." Charles responded then gestured for the 5 Champions (Cynthia, Diantha, Alder, Steven, and Lance.)
to sit down, which they did. "Alright now what was so urgent that you had to call us here." Steven asked, his voice calm and relaxed, Charles sighed

"Ash Ketchum."

The Room fell silent, they all knew how he was betrayed by his family and friends, even though he risked his life for them and saved the world countless times. Not to mention his undying generosity and determination. He disappeared 10 years ago, leaving no trail for them to follow. What about him?" Diantha spoke up, breaking the silence "We believe we found him." The entire room perked up and Charles response "Where is he." Steven asked, then Charles turned to Cynthia

"Do know of The Champion Of The Mountain?" Cynthia nodded "Yes he is a trainer that makes his home at the peak of Mt.Coronet. Many trainers have challenged him and been defeated. Even I challenged him once, only to receive a crushing defeat. I only got past one of his Pokémon, in fact I'm the only person so far to even get past his Pikachu. Nobody knows his full team." She explained and everyone was surprised, Nobody except Cynthia got past his first Pokémon, which was a Pikachu. Very suspicious. "We believe he might be Ash Ketchum in disguise. You see nobody knows how he was betrayed and he left no trail for us to follow, regarding his whereabouts. You see one of my employees went to challenge him once and he told me he had lighting bolt birthmarks on his cheeks, chocolate brown eyes, and a Pikachu perched on his shoulder. Coincidence? Perhaps, but I think not." Charles explained as the champions listened in awe "Then let's go to him and see if he really is our old friend Ash, eh?" Alder suggested with a smile on his face.  "Alright if he really is Ash I want you to bring him back here. I need to stay and do some paperwork." Charles said, then the Champions left.

Present time, Red/ Ash's POV

"Actually I have come to you for a different matter." Cynthia responded, I rose an eyebrow to her statement "Just you?" I asked and she flinched "I'm more observant than you think Cynthia. Care to tell me why you invited all the other champions?" She sighed as the others walked out. "Wow you are way more observant than I thought Champion Of The Mountain" Steven said as he was walking out. "Or should I say...Ash Ketchum?"
I was standing there unfazed. I was prepared for this. "Who is Ash?" I asked, showing no nervousness or fear in my tone "He is a boy who has lighting bolt birthmarks on his cheeks, chocolate brown eyes, and a Pikachu perched on his shoulder" Lance then pointed to me. "Just like you do." I then acted like I was remembering "Ahh yes Ash. That boy was no ordinary challenger, he managed to get past 5 of my Pokémon when he challenged me. I believe he is the only person who knows me full team." I responded calmly "Do you know of his whereabouts?" Diantha countered "Why yes I do, but I'm not going to tell you. When he challenged me I saw his aura. Broken, sad, suicidal even, but he still had the determination and confidence to challenge me. Even though he lost to me I took him under my wing and trained him to become a true Pokémon Master." Then I scowled at them "Yet here I am wondering. Why would you care? He told me of his past. His Family and Friends betrayed him. Left him for dead, even." When I finished my sentence they were surprised when I mentioned Ash, aka me was 'left for dead'  "I ask again, why do you care?"

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