Chapter 3- Old Friends, New Foes

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Quick little thing I want to say. I will have Ash talk with aura in this chapter. When he communicates with Aura the letters will be in bold. In other words I'll use the type of letters I'm using for this sentence.

Ash's  POV
"Welcome to Etera City." I announced "I need to go get tickets for our ferry, meet me at the Pokémon Center after you eat, ok?" They nodded and I walked off.
Steven's POV
'I wonder what Ash could be up to?' I thought as we went to the local cafe to grab a bite to eat. We were in our disguise of course, so we wouldn't cause a scene. The last thing we would want is to be crowded by paparazzi right now. We the got a table and sat down. Alder must've noticed my....thinking face.
"Steven are you alright?" Alder asked me "Yeah when you get that face your thinking." Diantha added on. I then told them what I was thinking.
"Well he probably just went to get our tickets for the plane. After all the only way you can get tickets for a flight is in a Pokémon center." Cynthia said in between bites. 

"Well that may be true but still- mmfph!" I got cut off by Lance putting a hand over my mouth
"You think to much." He said as he lifted his hand off my mouth and resumed eating his sandwich.
"Sometimes that can be a good thing." I said as I proceeded to eat my sandwich. Then the waitress came up to us and took our drinks. Ten minutes later we got new ones, we thanked her and she left. Then we started chatting again
"Girl you need to get a manicure." Cynthia said to Diantha and all of us groaned as they got into deep conversation about lip gloss and what eye liner to wear and what is the best brand of makeup.
"Ughhh!" Alder half shouted then glared at the girls "This is a restaurant not a makeup club! Talk about it later I can't hear myself think!" Lance and I nodded in agreement and the girls glared at us before sighing in defeat. "Well continue this little debate later I suppose." Diantha said as she put makeup in her purse.

"Anyways what's taking Ash so long?" Cynthia asked

"I knew Ash was up to something." I said as I got up "I'll go find him."
Ash's POV
"Arceus that machine was glitchy." I complained, apparently the Pokémon centers machines were malfunctioning but they said I can use one for a certain amount of time. Boy they got that wrong because it took me at least an hour to log in, let alone buy our tickets. As I walked out of the Pokémon center I bumped into someone that made my eyes fill with rage.


She then turned around and looked at me "Oh I'm sorry sir....." she then trailed off and looked at me. I realized my hood was off and I immediately pulled it over my head and started to walk out. She followed me

"Wait!" She pleaded and I stopped and turned around to face her. "Did you need something?" I asked and she paused for a moment before saying

"Is that you...Ash?"

Pikachu then jumped off my shoulder and immediately got into a defensive stance "Easy buddy, she can't harm me." I said, calming it down, Pikachu kept glaring at Iris as it crawled back up my shoulder, then I looked up at her.

"You know I'm quite surprised you remember me." I said, answering her question "Ash look I'm sorry I really am-"

"Your not forgiven." I said, cutting her off. She looked a bit surprised and I chuckled "What?" I asked innocently "Did you really think after all that's happen I would just forgive and forget. Did you really think that I just wouldn't care at all? I'm not as naive as I used to be." Then I pointed at her "I'm not falling for another trick, I'm not getting betrayed again. I still remember when you and the others beat me multiple times, put me in the back of a truck, and left me to die in a forest!" Then I looked at her with a cold frightening gaze
"I.will.never.forgive you." Then I walked away to find the others, to me surprise I heard her cry. After a few minutes of walking I stopped and looked at a tree. "Steven you can come out now I know your there." I said calmly, soon he walked out, embarrassed. "Sorry I was ease dropping on you." He said in an apologetic tone

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