Chapter 11: Long Way Up

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Ash's POV

"What do you mean the hike will only take 2 hours or so?!" I heard Cynthia shout. "We are hiking to the top of a volcano, Lance!"

"We can fly up their Cynthia!" Lance fires back. "It will take 2 hours maybe."

'Are they seriously at this again?'

"Lance you do realize that the volcano is beginning to get active." Steven interjected. "If we were to fly up our Pokémon would breathe in the volcanic gases, causing lung damage and even suffocation."

'Champion Power couple- 1. Red headed Firecracker- 0' I thought as I opened the door .

The only people who actually could join me on this hike to the ruins are Cynthia, Steven, Lance, Iris, Brock, Professor Sycamore, Beraz, and Hoopa.

Clemont had to stay behind to watch over Bonnie because she is not old enough to take care of herself. Diantha would've come but their is an emergency in Kalos that needs her attention. Meray had to stay behind because she gets overheated to easily, same for Cilan. And Professor Oak stayed behind because he is simply to old.

I then set my stuff  down on the kitchen counter and
cleared my throat. "Hey guys."

They stopped going at each other and turned their heads towards me. "It's time to go, we have a long hike ahead of us." Pikachu then jumped off my shoulder to go 'Wake up' Beraz and Iris from naps.

"So when do you think we will reach the summit?" Steve asked as he grabbed his hiking gear. I then pulled out my map. "If we take this route we should get to the summit in a couple of days." I replied as I traced the route with my finger.  It's the shortest route to the summit, but what I didn't tell them that its one of the most dangerous routes. I will leave that to them to figure out though.


Well it seems Iris and Beraz are awake. Let's not waste anymore time.

(Sorry but I'm skipping the part where they have to take the ferry)

"Ok are you guys ready?" I asked as we stopped at the entrance to Stark Mountain. "Once were in, there's no turning back."

"Yes." Iris replied,glaring at Pikachu. "But one question, where are we?" She then looked around, I guess Iris has never been to this part of the Mountain. "This isn't the normal entrance."

"This is a another entrance that most people don't use." I explained. "I wanted to take this route because it leads to the summit. That and it's deserted, so no paparazzi will bother us. I thought it was obvious."

Iris huffed as we all walked inside. She's still mad at Pikachu. Soon we were covered in darkness, line of sight was very low.

"Beldum!" Steven shouted as the Iron Ball Pokémon materialized from the pokeball. "Use flash!" The Pokémon did as it was told, and the dark cavern soon was illuminated, at least to the point where we could see. Brock then pointed to something.
"Hey what's that?" I looked to where he was pointing, it looked like a wire.

"Cynthia was there ever a mining excavation in Stark Mountian?" I asked and she nodded "When I was little girl, yes. Back then the miners had no idea it was a volcano, so they carelessly dug deep into the mountain."

'That explains why there's a wire here, we must be in an old mining tunnel.' I thought as we all walked further in. 'But if that's true then why are we walking on a railway?' I decided to dismiss the thought, besides it's irrelevant. We continued to walk down the minds, Beldum's light illuminating our path.

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