Chapter 4- Happy Reunions

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Ash's POV
"Damnit!" I shouted as my fist slammed into the wall. We all had just got off our ferry and Iris was on it as well. It took me all I had to not go on a rampage. After a day and a half of acting like nothing is wrong and struggling to keep me rage in, I finally collapsed when I finally checked into my room in the hotel were all staying in. I was breathing hard and trying to control my rage and my undying hatred towards them all. Eventually I managed to calm down and control it. Barely; I can't allow that to happen again.

I might unleash "it" again

No that monster is gone now. I need to sleep.

*knock* *knock*

'Who on earth could that be?' I wondered as I opened the door. When I fully opened it, my eyes widened. Before me was my girlfriend, Leaf.
"Ash!" She said and jumped into my arms as I wrapped my arms around her and closed the door. She then caressed my cheek and gave me a long, passionate kiss. I enjoyed every second of it and I wish it could last forever, but sadly, humans need oxygen to breathe. When we broke off, gasping for breath, I picked her up and looked straight into her eyes
"It's good to see you again in person." She said, breaking the silence, I nodded. "It's been far to long." I said as I carried her into my bedroom. I set her down on my bed and I sat next to her.
"Has Trip dome anything to you?" I asked her, I am somewhat overprotective of her in a way. She sighed
"No Ash, that nincompoop hasn't even touched me. I make sure of it." She explained "I mean we kiss but I have to do that so I can still keep up my disguise."

"I know and again Leaf, thank you for all of this. I know you didn't have to help me with my revenge and keep me updated." I said in a grateful tone. She then said "Please Ash don't worry about it. When I learned about what happened I was livid and you know that. I do this all for you." This just made my love for her grow even more. I know I can trust her. I know she is pure of heart.

I know she truly cares.
Charles's POV
"BLASTED PAPERWORK!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. "I JUST FINISHED ALLLLL OF THE PAPERWORK IN SINNOH AND WHAT DO I GET?!" Then I looked at the mountains of paper on my desk and sighed in frustration. "Why me..."
Then the door opened and to my surprise Professor
Oak walked in "Enjoying the Paperwork Charles?" He asked me  "Eh, more or less." I answered then I looked at all the paperwork "But I could've sworn their was less paperwork than this."

"Anyways I wanted to come and talk with you about the progress so far regarding the tournament." The Professor informed me "Unless you are to busy."

I then got and idea and perked up "Actually, Professor Oak it might be you who will be busy." I said with a grin on my face. He looked at me confused "Go to the hotel and find room #888,
you'll see." He looked confused but nodded and left.
If only he knew. I chuckled a bit, then I decided to take a coffee break; After that it's back to work!
Professor Oak's POV
'Who or what does Charles think I'll find in a random persons hotel room?' I wondered as I got off the elevator, as I got off and started walking to room
#888 I started thinking about the old days with Gary and Ash. Ever since Ash left Gary and the rest of those....people that he hangs out with have become cruel and brash. He's not the same since he betrayed Ash. I wonder. If Ash hadn't been betrayed and everyone stayed with him;would things be different?
Would we all be happy and well. Who knows maybe Ash would've gone to the Alola Region.

Wait? Why am I at room #895? I must've gotten lost in thought. After ten minutes of walking I finally made it to room #888. Honestly I have no idea what is here. I knocked on the door.

"Just a minute!" A voice called, except this particular voice sounded familiar. Like I've known him for my whole life. Then the door opened. My eyes widened with surprise and I gasped. He did the same thing.

"A-Ash?" I finally managed to get out of my mouth. Ash then nodded and I immediately enveloped him in a hug "So this is what Charles wanted me to find."
I mumbled loud enough so Ash could here.
"I guess so." He said as he broke off the hug. Then he invited me in and made some tea for us. He set the tray on the table and we catched up. He told me about the betrayal, Iris trying to apologize, him becoming an Aura Guardian, and Leaf.

"Well my boy you've had quite the long journey." I said as I finished my tea. "Yes I have." He replied
"Look about Iris, she and a few others broke off from the main group because their sorry for what they did and they regret it Ash. They really do." I explained and his face darkened

"Maybe so." Ash managed to reply "But I'm not just going to forgive them like nothing happened." Then I sighed, it was time for Ash to know the truth

"Did you know that Iris was Blackmailed?" I asked him and he nodded, saying he saw a glimpse of it when he checked her aura "You didn't see the whole thing did you?" Again he nodded "Well to cut it short. Iris only betrayed you because if she didn't her Pokémon would've been killed and her friends and family. They told her that all the family, and friend would've been mercilessly murdered. She would've become a walking curse. The thing is they blackmailed her that severely because she cared about you. Everyone that left with her cares about you." I paused and took a deep breath "Please Ash, just try."

When I finished I could tell Ash was shocked and in deep thought. Then he said the 4 magic words.
"I'll think about it."

When he finished talking he looked at me and smiled. "Well I need to get to bed Professor." He said "It's almost late and I need to register for the tournament tomorrow.

"I see. Then I will leave you to rest," I said as I opened the door "Oh one more thing Ash."

"Yes?" He asked.

"It's good to have you back."
Alright another chapter down! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter guys! I worked hard on it!

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