Chapter 6- Searching For the Truth

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Ash's POV
"You are nothing! Nothing without me!"

"That's not true and you know it X."

"Then allow me to prove it!"

"X What are you doing?!"

"You are weak! Pathetic! A useless runt!"

"X, I'm sorry. I hope you will forgive me someday."

"What?! What are you doing?! Nooooo!"

I woke up with a sudden jolt. "Ash are you ok?" I heard a voice ask me. I looked up, it was Hoopa and Meray. Pikachu was next to them,looking concerned. Well that explains the jolt, but what do they mean "Am I ok?" Then I realized, My face is covered in sweat and I have a rapid heart beat "Yeah." I said, controlling my breathing "I'm fine." I wiped the sweat of my face and hopped out of bed, they were still worried "I'm fine guys, really."

"Hoopa thinks Ashcan is just saying that." Hoopa retorted and they nodded "Guys really. I'm fine. I just a nightmare it's nothing to worry about." I said in a reassuring tone as I opened the door to the living room. Beraz was in their, making breakfast and watching the news "Morning Beraz." I greeted as I sat down on the couch "Morning." He said in reply as he was cooking breakfast. I took a whiff of it and it smelt delicious.

"Beraz what are you making that smells delicious!" I half shouted with a joyful tone. "You'll have to find out." He told me, keeping me in suspense. I was about to say more when Meray, Hoopa, and Pikachu walked in and sat down on the stools at the kitchen counter. Pikachu joined me on the couch to watch the news, Hoopa following close behind.
"What are we doing today?" Hoopa asked me. "Well Hoopa today the Tournament Of Legends officially begins, so naturally I'll be participating." I explained to Hoopa

"Hey actually I'm wondering something." Then I turned to Meray and Baraz "Are you two competing in the tournament?" The shook their heads, saying the only came to watch the tournament, rather than compete in it. (Besides idk their Pokémon teams. Don't worry though Beraz and Meray will use at least one or two Pokémon in this story.)

"Besides we have Hoopa to take care of." Baraz said, making Hoopa a tad bit frustrated "Hoopa can take care of itself!" It retorted "Like you did last month?" Meray asked cheekily. Hoopa was about to make a comeback, but kept quiet. It just let out a huff of frustration and floated to the kitchen, probably looking for donuts. Pikachu laughed a bit as Beraz finished making breakfast.

"Here you go everyone." He said as he put a big plate of waffles on the table. "That's a lot of waffles." Meray remarked. "Well someone in this room has a huge appetite." Then he looked at me "What's that supposed to mean?" I said in a pouty tone as I sat down and made my plate. Meray and Baraz sat down and made their plates as well "Thank you for the food." I said in a grateful tone "Now let's dig in!"
Iris POV
'Dang it we lost our chance' I thought as we went to our hotel room 'Brock and his big mouth.'

"Well well well look who it is." A voice that I knew all to well. We all looked up to see the traitors, stopping us in our tracks
"What do you people want?" Cilan asked in a cold tone "You have no right to stop us. You bring a very unpleasant flavor to the table."

"Thank you Mr. Connoisseur, but nobody cares what you think!" Serena snapped at us "Why don't you all just back off and let us go to our hotel room." I snapped "You have no right to stop us."

"Who gives a crap about rights?" Max asked "The reason you are even here today is because of your rights you dummy!" Bonnie snapped at them. Max blinked in shock "Max honestly how stupid are you?" Brock asked with an angry tone.

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