Chapter 8: The Grand Finale

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"Charles I need a favor." I asked as I sat down.
"Of course my boy, what do you need?" He replied as he slid me a cup of water. "I need you to speed up the tournament a bit with a battle royale." I could tell that Charles was a bit shocked when he heard this.

"I can, but why?"
Charles POV
"Ladies and Gentlemen!" I announced as I grabbed the microphone. "By now you are all aware that each trainers here have won at least 2 of their battles in order to progress into the finals. However I've been talking with the board and I think it's time we spiced things up a bit!" I then snapped my fingers and 6 trainers came into the field and got into a circle. "We're going to do a battle royale!" The crowd went crazy when I finished. It seems I still have my motivation charm. "Alright! These trainers will each use 2 Pokémon, when only 2 trainers remain, they will each use 3 Pokémon in a all out battle.  Whoever wins this battle will ascend to the final stage of this tournament!"

"The Champion Challenges!" The crowd cheered and whistled as the trainers released their first Pokémon. "Alright I will let the referee take it from here." I said as I passed the mic to the referee.

"Alright folks!" The ref started "In the red corner we have The Champion Of The Mountion, Trainer Ash and his faithful partner, Pikachu!" The crowd cheered. "In the yellow corner we have, Trainer Iris, and her loving partner, Haxorus!" The crowd cheered again. "In the green corner, we have Pokémon Breeder Brock and his rocky partner, ForreTress!" The crowd cheered once again. "In the blue corner, we have Cerulean Gym Leader Misty and her powerful partner, Gyarados!" The crowd cheered once more as the burnt orange haired bitch waved her hands like some princess (after careful consideration, I've Misty a traitor, because in all honestly. I hate her.) "In the purple corner we have Trainer Max!" I certainly didn't cheer for that pipsqueak. "Last, but certainly not least, we have Kalos Elite four member Malva!"

"Let the battles begin!"
Beraz's POV
"Oh hey Hoopa come check this out." I called as Hoopa was devouring donuts. "What is it
Beraz-kun?" Hoopa asked as he flew towards the TV "Oh Ash-Kun and Pi-Can are having fun?" I chucked "Yes Hoopa they are." Meray put in as she sat down next to us. "Don't forget guys we need to meet Ash at the airport, after all we are going to Stark Mountain with him to investigate the Ruins Of Valor."

"Yes Meray." Hoopa and I said in a 'we know already you don't need to tell us 500 times per day' tone. Meray huffed as she crossed her arms and turned her attention towards the television.

"Will Ash-Kun win?" Hoopa asked as he watched the tournament. "I guess we'll just have to watch and find out." I answered as we all turned our heads towards the tv.

"Let's see what happens."
Third Person POV
"Haxorus use Dragon pulse!"

"Pikachu use Thunder bolt!"

"Forretress use Rock tomb!"

"Gyarados, Hydropump!"

"Gallade use Psycho cut!"

"Houndoom use crunch!"

As the six Pokémon unleashed their moves the field shifted due to the power, for this was no longer a battle

This was a war. A war between 6 trainers, each with one goal.

To win

"Pikachu use iron tail on Gyarados!" Ash called as Pikachu leaped into the air. His tail turned grey and he swung towards Gyarados. "Oh no you don't loser!" Misty shouted "Gyarados, wack the yellow rat away with water pulse!" Gyarados charged a blue orb of pure water and hurled it towards Pikachu. Misty smirked, Ash was finally going to lose and realize he was never meant to win. However this was not the case as Pikachu split the orb in two and hammered Gyarados right on the head, making it collapse to the ground and fainting. Misty raged as she recalled her Gyarados and sent out her last Pokémon, Starmie.

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