Chapter 10: Tables Turned

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Hey guys so I wanted to apologize for the long wait. I feel as though I rush these chapters and I want this book to be my best one yet! I want to put as much time and effort into every single one of these chapters. So my uploading schedule will be unpredictable. I don't know when I will upload, but when I do please know I put days of effort into making it. That's all I need to say.

Ash's POV
'Clemont just screamed, but why?' I wondered as Iris and I ran to the source of the cry for help. I really hope this isn't what I think it is.

Clemont's POV
I groaned in pain as he rammed me into the wall. "Weakling! And they call you the gym leader of Lumiose City."

'Weakling' I despise that word. "I am not weak." I managed to say as I slowly stood up "I am a genius, I make inventions every day. They may malfunction all the time but at least they-"

"Ok we get it shut the hell up already!" The brunette snapped. "Jeez you sound like your giving out a speech that everyone gives in some series before they are rescued." (Sound Familiar?)

"Now you have been in my hair for to long!" She then pulled out a knife "It's time to cut you out!"


I closed my eyes shut, expecting the worse.

...but nothing happened.

I slowly opened my eyes. It was Ash, he was offering me his hand. "Are you ok Clemont?" I took it and he helped me stood up.

"I'll be fine." I replied with gratitude in my voice. "Just let me rest for a second."

"Clemont!" I turned my head to see Iris slamming into me, not making me fall over. "AreyouokwhenyoushoutedforhelpAshandIranasfastaswecouldandimsohappyyourok!"

I turned my head in confusing "I'm sorry what did you just say? You were talking to fast."

"Ugh never mind." She replied. "I'm just glad your ok."

Leaf's POV

"Leaf!" I quickly pulled out my knife as I saw Ash glare at me with those disgusting brown eyes. "I didn't want to believe it at first, but now I have to face the facts." He then pointed his blue sword at me. "You've lied, manipulated, and took advantage of me for years! How could you betray me like this..."

I then began to I can't hold it back anymore. I laughed, I laughed so loud and so hard, I clutched my stomach in pain. I've been waiting for him to find out, I can finally get away from that idiot.
"Hahaha." I managed to calm down as I wiped a tear from my eye "Ash, your right. I have been taking advantage of you. Though I must admit I thought you would find out sooner, guess your still as stupid and naive as ever. I had so much fun manipulating you, but now I can get rid of you forever." I snapped my fingers and Trip, Paul, Dawn, May, Serena, Misty, Max, Tierno, Trevor, Shauna, and Gary came out.


To my surprise. Ash covered his face with one hand and began to laugh. Is he trying to mock me?! What the hell is so damn funny?! Does he think I can't kill him?!

"Wait what's going on?" I shouted. "What's so funny?!" Ash finally stopped laughing and glared at me.

"Your fucking stupid if you think I didn't already know."

Wait what?!

"I found out a couple of months ago, I saw you talking with Paul and Dawn. At first I thought you were just trying to keep them away from me. Then I got curious and began to eavesdrop on your conversation. You were reporting my every activity to them. It all became clear." He then pointed an accusing finger at me. "Though I am surprised a bitch like you wouldn't catch on."

"Catch on to what?!" I screamed. "Actually it doesn't matter!" I raised my knife and began to charge "DIE YOU SACK OF-"

"I don't think so."

Wait what? Who's grabbing my wrist?

"You lay one hand on him and you will get the consequences."

I turned my head. No it can't be....

"L-Lance?!" I shouted in disbelief. He chuckled and shouted. "Guys now!"

All of sudden people jumped out of the trees. It was the other Champions, as well as Professor Oak and Sycamore. Then 2 people and a Pokémon with 3 golden rings on his body came out of the bushes.

"You should know by now Leaf." Ash said he glanced around. "I'm not as stupid as people think. Unlike you I have friends I can rely on.."

Ash's POV

That fucking bitch though she could deceive me. She never thought for a moment that something might go wrong.

"Leaf. I leave before you get hurt."

Leaf glared at me. I could see the hatred and fury blossoming from her cold, dead eyes. "You think I'm scared of you?!"

I chuckled "Oh I wasn't asking."

Then a snap of my fingers I lifted her and the other traitors with my aura and I blasted them into the sky. (Sound familiar)

"Ok." I said as I turned around to face the group in front of me.

"We have a flight to catch."

Diantha chuckled "What isn't the flight tomorrow?" Did she really forget?

I checked my watch. "Nope. It's in two hours."

Hey guys. I'm sorry this chapter is short and I'm sorry that it may not be good. But I wanted to turn this short chapter into an announcement.

I'm suffering from depression. I've worked on it for a while and I'm getting better, but it's still there, it's small, but it still feels like there is a void of empty ness inside me. I don't smile, I keep my emotions to myself and I don't know what to do. I want to write more chapters but I'm lacking the motivation to do it because I feel like what I make won't be good enough, like I will let you all down.
I'm sorry, this is why it took so long for this chapter to be made, and maybe for upcoming chapters as well. Again...I'm sorry. I will try to get the next chapter out a bit sooner. Because I want to add so many details in this story. I want to make more Pokémon show up in this story and not every now and then. I want them to interact with their Pokémon, make it feel like your reading an episode. I will do that in the next chapter, or at least I will try.

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