Chapter 5- Fractured Trust & Uncovered Secrets

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Ash's POV
'Should I really try to forgive them?' I asked myself as I laid in bed 'I know they regret it but still. I can't just forgive them like nothing happened.'

I then got out of bed and got ready for the day. After I got ready I went to the door. I hesitated for a moment.
'I guess I owe it to the Professor to try.' I
thought as I opened the door, walked out of the room and slammed the door shut. As I started to walk down the elevator I noticed someone else walking out of their room. Scratch that I noticed 2 people walking out of a room

Steven and Cynthia

"Hey Ash." Steven greeted as we all got in the elevator. "Pretty weird how you two came out of the same room when I distinctly remember you two having separate rooms." I said in a matter of fact tone. Both of them blushed and that's all I needed to know "So should I keep your relationship a secret or are you going public?" I asked them

"How did you know?" Cynthia asked me, answering my question with a question. "I'm an Aura Guardian so I can read minds." I answered "But it doesn't take an Aura Guardian to know why you were blushing."

"Fine yes we're in a relationship." Steven confessed to me "But please don't say anything. The last thing we want is for paparazzi to get crazy about our love life." I nodded in understanding. What people don't know won't hurt them.

The elevator stoped at the third floor and the two champions got off, saying the had to check on the others. Then some people walked in and my blood boiled with rage.

It was the traitors. Thankfully I had my hood on so they couldn't see my face and recognize me. So I just hanged back and listened.
Traitors POV, Third person POV

"Ugh why is this elevator so slow!" Max complained, he wanted to go register for the tournament right away so he was very impatient "Max the elevator just started moving." May pointed out "Yeah Max. We will get their in time. It's not like the registration is going anywhere." Dawn added on.

Max was just mumbling to himself now, of course none of them could make out what he was saying and nobody even tried. "Where is Leaf?" Trip asked

"Probably at the Pokémon center waiting for us. Does it even matter?" Paul replied, this made Trip a bit frustrated "Yes Paul it does matter, she is my girlfriend!" Trip retorted

"Ok you two you can Shutup now." Gary butted in, already knowing where this was going to lead to.
Before they could say anything else, the elevator stopped and they all got off. Some more swiftly then others. Then Max bumped into someone and fell
"Hey watch were your going pal!" Max half shouted with an angry tone, the person who he bumped into just ignored him and kept walking. This made Max mad "Hey idiot I'm talking to you!" He shouted as he grabbed the mans shirt; bad move. Before Max could do anything he was grabbed by his ankle and literally thrown back into the elevator. "Don't touch me." The man said in a threatening tone.
"Max are you alright?" May asked her brother, then she glared at the man who threw him "How dare you!"

"How dare me?" The man asked her then pointed at her "How dare you! You allow your little brother to have a foul mouth and grab someone. I was simply defending myself." This made both Max and May mad.

"You didn't have to throw him in an elevator!" She shouted at him; the man chuckled. "The little pipsqueak deserved it."

"Oh yeah?" Serena asked "How?" Then the mans Pikachu jumped off his shoulder and got into a defensive stance; the man removed his hood, showing his face. The traitors were shocked

"It's called payback." Ash finally said as Pikachu thunderbolted them. Then they both walked away, leaving the traitors shocked. "So the loser is back." Dawn said as they all recovered "We will take great pleasure in crushing him." Trip said and they all nodded in agreement.
Ash's POV

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